Whatever they say, they will continue to let migrants in by the millions if given the chance. Nothing they say can be trusted.

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the border bill is like, you find out your wife is having an affair, so you set a strict limit on the number of times each week she can see her lover.

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The Romans let in horses of barbarians at the end of their empire. Praying for you in Biden’s gulag.

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How many in Congress are actually on the side of the American People? Because if you’re not for the American People, you’re a traitor.

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Then consider all but maybe 10 traitors, and that's both sides of the isle.

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Here from Australia very sad actions it shows that theses criminals are soulless

They kill the vulnerable , children they have been poisoning for Ron's

America you need to take back media, education, churches , the military

But most important education and retrain the population

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Ted Cruz posted the bill on X and I began trying to read it, but gave up because it is such a miss-mash of legalese that does everything it can to not do anything but get billions of dollars, which this country does not have, to spend on the illegals. It is all a continuation of Obama's, UN and WEF to bring this country to its knees and destroy a sensible way of life that made this country so great.

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This bil is not worth a a penny if implementation govern by words like…..If it’s reasonable and practical. !!!!!

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It's not just the illegals it's Ukraine too. That's their money laundering kingdom, they need it for their plans to take our country and many others too.

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Langford try to go on fox “ Tokyo Rose’s” programs and Neil Cavuto yes that one “if you take HCQ you will die “ and spin his collaboration with Chuck Schumer, who threaten physical harm on 2 current supreme court justices and now treated American people “ if the bill will not pass American soldiers will have to fight in “European war” but this time will not work. Thank you Dr. Navarro for comprehensive brilliant explanations.

We support you and praying for you in your personal fight with injustice.

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SOH McCarthy received his walking papers (Vacate) due to passing a CR with the Dems over the Memorial Day weekend, while Congress was out. SOH Johnson, a holy roller and Constitutional scholar, did the same thing over the Christmas 23 break. My guess is that he will hold the line on this one but needs to vacate.

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WE the people need to vacate him!!! If you are not calling your congressional rep demanding he be vacated then it won't happen. He kept McCarthy's staff so what do you expect? He's a total Bible thumping moron and a lawyer to boot. Start making the calls to vacate before he does anymore harm. I already have been doing it since he made the 1st F up. The only thing DC hears is our voices and they hate when we load up their phones so do it! You want action? Take action.

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Hmm...never seen him thump a Bible . A moronic lawyer is rather rare. But the bill has to go. It’s his office that needs to hear this. We don’t need a new speaker- again.

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To reprise a comment I made on another substack article:

I think that the UN should be billed for transporting ALL those that came over the border illegally back to their countries of origin. Ditto: Catholic Charities and Lutheran Charity, and the NGOs that participated. Airlines and bus companies as well. Amy Pope should also be held criminally and financially responsible. ( Director General of the UN’s International Organization for Migration. Previously: Senior Advisor on Migration to US President Biden and served as the Deputy Homeland Security Advisor to President Obama).

There have always been paths to immigration for those that want to be citizens of a country and integrate into the culture and society. But overwhelming the borders is an invasion that NO country can survive in the long run.

It is neither the duty nor the responsibility for the taxpayers to pay for this. That a relatively small number of wealthy elite people who think they can re-form the world to their liking without the vote and approval of the citizens of the countries is intolerable. All those refugees are pawns in this game. The better answer would have been to help reform bad governments, where they lived and build a better world that way. This invasion strategy ultimately brings successful counties down and does not improve the conditions in the poor countries they come from.

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CatholicCharites have accepted BILLIONS from the US gov to assist in relocating ILLEGAL ALIENS. Please STOP calling them migrants!!! They are ILLEGAL and need to be sent back immediately.

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I haven't called them migrants. The bracketed sentences was quotes from Amy Pope's CV. Illegal Aliens are what they are and that has been the governmental term for them since I was a child. Now in the age of soft language and woke political correctness they want to lump all forms of migration into something we should all be warm and runny about.

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Was not accusing YOU of calling them migrants. It was a general response and hopefully anyone here reading it who still calls them migrants will stop and call them what they are... ILLEGAL ALIENS.

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Right????!!!! Criminals in my opinion!!!

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You need a congress with balls to get this done. That's not going to happen with the current losers. TIME TO PRIMARY ALL OF THEIR @#$%&!!!!! Primary anyone in your state who isn't in your corner. There's a lot of RINOs we have to get out of Congress and the Senate before we can get the Dems out. RINOs first who are the biggest traitors, then the Dems. This will never stop if we don't.

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This is the end of America

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Only if you sit back and do nothing but say things like this. Get in the fight and don't say things like this again on any social media site. If you do that means you don't believe we can win, and aren't in the fight to stop it. Get involved locally in your elections, and stop it from happening. We still have time but need everyone to stop sitting on the side lines.

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Keep shipping illegals to blue cities. If they are going to destroy our nation, let’s make them choke on it too

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Right on Ed! Right on! I don't like the idea of doing that because they creep to red states too. But I like seeing the liberals choke on their own self made vomit. I hope all of those cities and states go bankrupt, because of it. You give criminals $5K prepaid credit cards, but turn our vets out on the streets, and give our homeless $0???? Time to stop this madness now! Get involved in your local politics and turn the tables from the lowest ranking offices all the way to DC!!! That's the only way to stop it. Then we can eject everyone of them out of our country, and incentivize people to locate and dime them out!

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Schumer and his minions which include Mitch need to all be turned out of the Senate. They to not represent Americans. They are awful, evil people.

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Tell the dumb bells in their states that. They're the ones that keep electing them back to office. It needs to start with them not settling or holding their noses, continuing to vote for the destruction of our country. If I don't like a candidate and there's no better option, I'm not voting for any of them! I don't believe in holding my nose or voting for them, just because they have an R behind their names. R doesn't make you a patriot. Actions do.

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As for Powell: Lies, damn lies and skewed statistics rule this conversation. What does the Dr. think? 1 min link follows:



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Classical Gas!

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Wall Street runs that @#$! What do you expect? They're globalist too.

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Thank you Peter, for putting yourself on the line for our Constitutional Republic, the United States of America. With your help and our help, out country will be saved from the Democrat Communists.

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This current administration, IS the most "anti-american" government, that this nation, has EVER endured!! My beloved grandparents, came through Ellis Island, to become "LEGAL" American citizens! They FOLLOWED the laws of our country, WORKED extremely hard, NEVER asked for anything, and were PROUD, to be Americans!! This current "MAXIMUS INCOMPETUS" imbecile and his USELESS laughing sidekick, have "NO INTEREST", in securing the border! They "HATE" America and our Constitution! I have NO PROBLEM, with anyone from other nations arriving here "LEGALLY!" What don't they get? They are concerned with 3 things rdonand 3 things ONLY!! Power, money and used votes! President Donald J. Trump, IS the person that CAN & WILL solve this and ALL the other problems, this IMBECILE has caused! Always loved my country, hate the current government! Steve B., New Milford, CT.

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Nothing will change until we have a Congress who will stand up for the American people. These dolts do a lot of talking but no action ever comes of their rhetoric. It is so frustrating listening to them knowing it is all for show. Get these Rinos out & primary with America First candidates. None of them care about the people of this country. They are lining their pockets with our tax dollars. Trump must win & we must vote out these corrupt politicians.

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The down fall of this country started when this country was founded,the bankangster couldn't get there hands on this country at that time,but they been working on it for over 200 yrs. Lets pray and hope they have oil or grease on there hands.LOL

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You're right the Rothchilds of England and Rockefellers and all of those old $$ families are the real cartel.

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