Just like Nero fiddled while Rome burned, Biden's licking ice cream cones and certain body parts while America crumbles.

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If he even knows what his family and administrative "cartel" is doing to America, he doesn't give a S*@#T!

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Maybe the real issue here is our total lack of knowledge and understanding of economics. Where can I find an Economics 101 class? Forget the Taylor Swift economy! Let’s try a little George Bailey economy (Jimmy Stewart).

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Do they even teach anything about economics, budgeting, and book keeping in high schools anymore?

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Red green thinks Biden doesn't give a sheet and this demented 86 year old agrees. But let me surmise here a bit. If one goes back a number of years, Plugs ran for president a few times and each time he was rejected by the populace who he now dislikes or even despises. He did make it to the VP's office under a man he really had no respect for because he is black. So he's thinking "I've been screwed by the American people so I will take advantage of being VP and peddle my influence and make some real money." So he sets up his drug addict son and brother with a scheme we now see unfolding as possibly criminal, but he doesn't give a sheet. He's schlepping off a nice piece of the pie from all the billions he's sending to Ukraine as well as feeding some of it to his family and cronies in the war business. But he won't be able to enjoy it because his mind is shot. Thus he now gets his comeuppance for being so crooked.

As to the stock market, that is a world unto itself that really can't be counted in predicting anything. The computers are doing it all it seems. Sometimes it looks like the humans can't even stop them if they tried.

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Unifying a RINO House will be impossible for the new Speaker, Those that voted for him will quickly stab him in the back. They hate Trump more than they love this country.

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My personal historical perspective. I still have 2 tickets to a Jefferson Airplane concert in 1974. The cost $7.50 each and were pretty good seats. I kept them as a memento of a turning point in my wife and my life because we'd foregone the concert to drive to the other side of the state to close on a old house on a large piece of land. We took occupancy in Spring of 1975. From that point on we did not go to many concerts anymore and put our efforts into rehabbing that house (my amateur carpentry work), paying off the property and building a life in a rural setting. That time was also a recession and the mortgage rates were high (about 7%). We worked our grind. I don't think we even had a credit card until about the end of the 80's I don't think the reality is that much different for young people now if they get their priorities right, and stay away from expensive homes and are willing to move to places that are not the hot places. My own parents came of age in the great depression. these young folks will live through the next one. But, they have to be careful who they vote for and know what they truly value as opposed to what all the media temptations tell them to value.

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I keep expecting gas prices to increase dramatically, but for weeks we’ve be right around $3, even a little under in west central FL. I paid $2.88 earlier this week. The Saudis said they would cut production and push for $100/barrel but I’m (gratefully) not seeing that at the pump. What is keeping price/gal from jumping back up to Biden’s peak? SPR doesn’t appear to have been tapped. Don’t get me wrong…I’m happy that prices remain well below the $4+/gal here, but I’d love to understand what’s preventing a crazy hike in price/gal.

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Seems to me that voters did not give a fig about the economy given the results of the Virginia elections all won on the abortion issue. Of course they will all complain about the economy even though they are largely the cause of the dire straits the country is in. A large percentage of the voters keep electing the same people in over and over again. The sig of madness is?

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