Peter great job on America tour and CNN is not worth even to talk about it. We need to see how they covered president trump for 4 years or longer, it was just hateful.
Excellent advice. Defeating an adversary in one battle won’t ensure victory in a war. If we can neutralize CNN, it would be a strategic gain. Other fake news venues also might be vulnerable if we don’t humiliate them. They’re seeing something in Trump that fouls up all their plans.
It was. But just like titter, new owners,new bosses, maybe, just maybe, the corporatists are actually realizing who has money to spend and who doesn't. And maybe they might find themselves in a position to pander a little less left.
The corporate media has kicked our conservative ass's so many times that the cnn side show means very little.
Over the past few years, my observations of the lefts blatant atrocities verify the reality that everything they say or do has negative consequence for American patriots.
"They lied to me about Covid and the jabs from the beginning," Donald Trump says in the imaginary scenario I've concocted in my head. "Today, I officially denounce the Covid-19 vaccines and I apologize for touting them the last two-and-a-half years." JD Rucker
As an advisor for Trump, please push this. The evidence is clear.
Good advice, but it felt soooo good to ‘thump our chests’ after Trump annihilated Kaitlain, especially after she was rude and obnoxious. Yes I want Trump on all channels, but when he wins the debate I’m going to celebrate. CNN’s ratings are so low, they need Trump but we don’t need CNN. Haven’t watched Fox since Nov 2920. Watched Tucker videos online. MSM doesn’t have the big draw like they did before; too many choices with podcasts, talk radio, and substack articles to get our news.
It's very sad that you don't mention the only actual forensic audit done on the 2020 election. Pulitzers audit of Arizona has all the professionally documented evidence any judge could need.
In my opinion, the benefit of Trump "crossing the isle" ( more like crossing the gator infested moat drawbridge) is to reach out to the unaware and captured audience of the corrupt media. To me, this shows his love of the American people and not any need to consider compromise. Indeed, the level of contempt and arguably treason exhibited by the corrupt media in a shallow and careless manner sans any integrity whatsoever speaks "case closed" to me. Since the 70's and the fake "Oil Crisis" with the accompanying inflation and the buy out of the media by big money, there has been a steady and noticeable "dumming down" of news anchors and news in general, culminating with what we have today. With media's betrayal concerning a number of issues, among the worst being the Vaccines, Lockdowns, and cover up of the 3 letter "protective" agencies, reconstruction, not new management is in order. Our mainstream Media is behaving like a junior high clique while Biden(Nero) fiddles while it's all burning. This tragedy was and still is not limited to the US, but is worldwide. Grassroots media like Lindell TV, as basic as it is( that is actually a good thing) will need to emerge to the front ( don't worry, all the makeup crew and support staff of the media, there's always the Broadway Theater). All sarcasm aside, when somebody shows you who they are, believe them. We are in an attempted Marxist takeover and the lines are drawn. There are now 2 groups in America, those who believe in it and those who don't.
A reporter for Conservative News attended a recently held convention of secretaries of state. He reported that the sessions of this convention were devoted to improving the proficiency of the attendees in producing bogus results from elections..
If CNN started providing even-handed political content, along with straight-shooter reporting, I'd migrate there in a heartbeat. It could serve as a bridge to heal this dark divide. And how cool is that to (quietly) have a Trump-supporter at the helm (at least to my understanding, I don't know that directly). As an aside, I don't remember Ted Turner being conservative (maybe I was too young to not be paying attention at that time).
Peter great job on America tour and CNN is not worth even to talk about it. We need to see how they covered president trump for 4 years or longer, it was just hateful.
Excellent advice. Defeating an adversary in one battle won’t ensure victory in a war. If we can neutralize CNN, it would be a strategic gain. Other fake news venues also might be vulnerable if we don’t humiliate them. They’re seeing something in Trump that fouls up all their plans.
It was. But just like titter, new owners,new bosses, maybe, just maybe, the corporatists are actually realizing who has money to spend and who doesn't. And maybe they might find themselves in a position to pander a little less left.
You make good points that are food for thought, Peter. Thank you!
The corporate media has kicked our conservative ass's so many times that the cnn side show means very little.
Over the past few years, my observations of the lefts blatant atrocities verify the reality that everything they say or do has negative consequence for American patriots.
"They lied to me about Covid and the jabs from the beginning," Donald Trump says in the imaginary scenario I've concocted in my head. "Today, I officially denounce the Covid-19 vaccines and I apologize for touting them the last two-and-a-half years." JD Rucker
As an advisor for Trump, please push this. The evidence is clear.
Agreed Ruth.
Good advice, but it felt soooo good to ‘thump our chests’ after Trump annihilated Kaitlain, especially after she was rude and obnoxious. Yes I want Trump on all channels, but when he wins the debate I’m going to celebrate. CNN’s ratings are so low, they need Trump but we don’t need CNN. Haven’t watched Fox since Nov 2920. Watched Tucker videos online. MSM doesn’t have the big draw like they did before; too many choices with podcasts, talk radio, and substack articles to get our news.
Note to conservative Industry Titans.
Don't marry a libbie.
Her boobs and ass will drop at the same rate her liberal fever will rise.
It's very sad that you don't mention the only actual forensic audit done on the 2020 election. Pulitzers audit of Arizona has all the professionally documented evidence any judge could need.
The "Big Lie" is that there is no proof.
This Town Hall was the election. The left's meltdowns were fun to watch.
In my opinion, the benefit of Trump "crossing the isle" ( more like crossing the gator infested moat drawbridge) is to reach out to the unaware and captured audience of the corrupt media. To me, this shows his love of the American people and not any need to consider compromise. Indeed, the level of contempt and arguably treason exhibited by the corrupt media in a shallow and careless manner sans any integrity whatsoever speaks "case closed" to me. Since the 70's and the fake "Oil Crisis" with the accompanying inflation and the buy out of the media by big money, there has been a steady and noticeable "dumming down" of news anchors and news in general, culminating with what we have today. With media's betrayal concerning a number of issues, among the worst being the Vaccines, Lockdowns, and cover up of the 3 letter "protective" agencies, reconstruction, not new management is in order. Our mainstream Media is behaving like a junior high clique while Biden(Nero) fiddles while it's all burning. This tragedy was and still is not limited to the US, but is worldwide. Grassroots media like Lindell TV, as basic as it is( that is actually a good thing) will need to emerge to the front ( don't worry, all the makeup crew and support staff of the media, there's always the Broadway Theater). All sarcasm aside, when somebody shows you who they are, believe them. We are in an attempted Marxist takeover and the lines are drawn. There are now 2 groups in America, those who believe in it and those who don't.
communist nwo netwerx
Good.Keep up the good work/
A reporter for Conservative News attended a recently held convention of secretaries of state. He reported that the sessions of this convention were devoted to improving the proficiency of the attendees in producing bogus results from elections..
Thank you.
If CNN started providing even-handed political content, along with straight-shooter reporting, I'd migrate there in a heartbeat. It could serve as a bridge to heal this dark divide. And how cool is that to (quietly) have a Trump-supporter at the helm (at least to my understanding, I don't know that directly). As an aside, I don't remember Ted Turner being conservative (maybe I was too young to not be paying attention at that time).