Peter. Talk to Trump. I am not changing my vote, but his support of Ronna may cause some to question Trump choosing the right people. He has to tell Ronna to step down. I bet 99% of supporters want Ronna to go and wondering why Trump supports Ronna. Maybe he knows something I don't politically. Because it sure seems to me a no-brainer.

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Robert Barnes, who knows Trump, said it’s because Trump likes to back the winner. It’s a deeply flawed tactic. Trump needs to back the America 1st candidate every time.

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Well put sir

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I believe President Trump and his family have learned, the hard way, from the mistakes he made in selecting and trusting people who would eventually stab him in the back. Which brings us to r. mcdaniel who MUST be removed ASAP.

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He knows a lot, don’t 2nd guess him buddy. 😸

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Rona pays his legal bills

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Live From Studio 6 B was suggesting Lee Zeldon to replace Ronna Romney. Worth a look among the suggestions.

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We should have started and need to start the American Patriot party...let the corrupt and complicit RNC keep their huge liberal donor base and let's we Patriots begin anew

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Too late in this cycle. It will only shatter the vote and hand demonrats another win to transform the country into the communist people's utopia they have dreamed of since FDR. But is probably the only way forward if they pull off another massive election fraud.

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‘I think that can happen if America First and MAGA have the ‘numbers’. At present I’m not sure that number is sufficient enough where a Split from the GOP would not have a negative impact on electability or positive impact for Democrat election outcome. We would need to see numbers [hands raised]. It can be done if the leadership of that new party were acceptable and bylaws made public.

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The D's have the hi-tech field. They micro-target messaging, and control Tic Toc, Google and much of Twitter. The D's have the funding machine, including smurfing. The D's have the just-in-time ballot manufacturing and distribution infrastructure in place. The D's have the nonprofits to do their dirty work. The D's exercise unrestricted warfare in the legal domain. The D's control the election machine algorithms. Your three reports document the ground game. The D's control the media. And the R's piss away millions with the insane infighting.

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I find it ironic that Mitt Romney niece became the RNC chairperson after Donald Trump won the 2016 General election. She was/is there to keep Trump down. Seems obvious to me and you can’t tell me otherwise. Why Trump supports her is a mystery although he may have good reason that I can’t see. I see her as deeply embedded opposition like Pence.

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Ask the GOP party in Wisconsin how much Ripoff Ronna contributed to the keeping a conservative on the Wisconsin Supreme Court. The RNC were brave enough to post a tweet from Ron Johnson's campaign 2 days before voting, and therefore lost a judgeship to a lefty for life. I am sure the RNC did the same in Pennsylvania too.

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I am in Wisconsin. Daniel Kelly was a good Supreme Court Justice but not a good campaigner. He did not even carry some red counties in the primary. Same issue with Tim Michels in the Governor race. His speeches sucked. But election fraud was rampent. Michels and Kelly signs were everywhere, yet the demonrat machine pulled it off. RNC did not put enough money or assistance into the race. Thank you Ronna (sarc.)

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The Pennsylvania election that just gave their Supreme Court a Democrat literally had hand fulls of counties suspending voting because the votes for the judge were flipping in real time. They went to court to get the election halted and the judge ordered them to continue using the machines. It happened all over Pennsylvania and specifically for the judge selection. If they selected the Rep judge it switched to the Democrat. How the H can they allow the race to be certified? Dallas county again had their poll books adding thousands of voters as checked in to the electronic poll book record when the election workers started closing their stations after polls closed. THOUSANDS of voters added to the list as if they showed up to vote, but never did! Multiple videos from multiple poll workers in Texas showing this. It also happened in the 2022 elections, but nothing was done.

Why the Hell is the RNC not suing in these states to get the elections run on paper ballots, with paper poll books, and hand counted? They aren’t even challenging any of these 2023 races in court that had blatant fraud caught on camera and reported in real time. The democrats do not care how obvious it is. They are going to steal state legislatures, governorships, judges, US Congress and the presidency in 2024. They know nothing is in place to stop them and once they steal the majorities in the states and take back all 3 branches in DC - it is over. They will never need to worry about another election again because they will have full and total control of our country. For good.

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I completely agree with all your points. Ronna Romney McDaniel has been an embarrassing failure at every level of her leadership career. And I'll never forget that "Romney" is her maiden'middle name. It's also a fact that before Uncle Mittens announced his retirement, he threatened to switch parties simply for the reason of preventing a Republican Senate majority.

As favorable as my opinions are about certain candidates that appear in the political theater show while pretending they are running for President, I see that none of them has support from the membership of the party. And I'm not referring to the despicable so-called "leadership" of the party that you enumerated. We both know who I'm referring to as the party membership. In spite of some people arguing the impossibility of "Joe Biden" getting more votes than any Presidential candidate in United States history, there's no way that really happened. But all the continued losses under the Romney-McDanial banner are not doing the party (or the nation) any good.

It's time for a change.

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Most definitely. I could speculate that the neo-conservative wing of the party controls how money is spent, but to what point. It has to change, as you say. Biden getting 81 million votes is so absurd, it’s astounding that the media would even accept it, although with both know media is nothing more than corporations owned by the likes of Blackrock, State Street, Vanguard. The free press is alt-media, and you have to be careful there.

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Strongly Agree that debates should be cancelled (pressed the wrong button). The candidates are running against Pres Trump, banking on him being in jail. They are uniparty traitors no matter what they say. Trump should be endorsed and Ronna Romney should resign.

Trump delivers MAGA, MAGA delivers victories FOR America, not the uniparty.

We must focus on securing elections. If they are secured, every MAGA voter will show up and MAGA will win.

For Floridians, there is a new bill to support: HB 359 (2024)-Voting Systems. Check it out and call your reps.

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Thanks I will! I’m with you on Primary Candidates playing the backup role should Trump somehow be sidelined. I’d say DeSantis was the chosen one long ago. His very good if not just short of great tenure as Florida Governor with his Good Congressional record, Navy, Yale Law, postured a compelling profile with the exception of one thing, [who was backing him]. The old guard where the tip off was Jeb Bush standing behind at the announcement and support from Karl Rove. This is Ronna.

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I think DeSantis has been groomed for this by the GOPe. Like you say, the clue was who backs him. IMO, as governor, he has done just enough to get good press but if you look at the laws, there's always some clause that takes away the freedom he's saying he provides. Like our medical freedom law that allows FL officials to enforce int'l health policies and gender insanity not being banned thru 12th grade. Also, he favors corporate interests, like the insurance and hospital industries. For years he gave Disney prop tax breaks other corps didn't get. Our election laws need a lot of changes but most importantly this bill I mentioned will allow counties to change to hand counts of paper ballots. We have to go for it. The mandated machine tabulators, cloud-based software and anyone being able to request a vote by mail ballot set DeSantis and the other RINOs up for a 2024 steal.

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True. He does have that side of working with with lobbyist and influence peddlers. He’s really hurt himself with his affiliations which kind of exposed certain aspects of a guy that had tremendous potential. As far as machine based voting. Being State run the tilting is a party control thing. The Computer/ network based voting is just plain bad. Paper ballots [@ polls] has to be the way for the present. Mail-in, Drop, & Harvesting, must be outlawed.

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He hasn’t actually done anything better... everything he does is for headlines and the image of being a strong conservative. He won’t allow the legislature to pass strong election intervening laws, he refused to do election audits, he didn’t do jack when schools and universities in Florida ignored his mask order, he screwed Floridians with insurance costs for a personal benefit of massive donations from the insurance industry to help fund his presidential campaign. I could go on and on. Supporting DeSantis is literally the exact equivalent of supporting Romney or McCain or Jeb Bush for President. He was playing the game and it worked - he convinced people he was AF/MAGA and used Trump to win long enough to turn around and try to push Trump out. He was planning his 2024 run in 2020!!!! The fact he ran for another 4 year Governorship and lied to Floridians confirms he is nothing more than a lifelong career politician there to climb the ladder and proven LIAR. I wouldn’t support DeSantis if I was paid excessively to do so. No amount of money or appeasing is going to save this country. People need to wake up and stop entertaining the idea of proven liars, cons, and establishment hacks being possible back fills. It will never happen- DeSantis’ political career is over. His wife thinks she’s going to be the next Florida governor. Don’t be so naive to their very obvious agenda.

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Yes, he has angered many. DeSantis wasn’t all bad [ imagine Gillum during that time, ugh] regarding allowing HQCL, Invermectin, and Monoclonal antibody use in the State, but he also pushed the vaccine which he could have studied longer. I agree with most of your other points. His career is over in Florida if he doesn’t use the next two years wisely. He could run against Rubio for the Senate seat.

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Ronna must go. Let’s put someone in that job who can lead!

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I’d go further, but more difficult given the fact that the RNC is heavy with the big club mentality. The States have to garner more America minded individuals. Put in America First delegates and we’ll have America First Chairmanship.

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We’ve removed a lot of the state uniparty’s RNC chairs that supported Ronna against the will of their constituents and the RnC hasn’t been financially supporting a lot of the states and maliciously refuses to provide ANY funding for the great states that took over their state Republican Party. Ronna and the entire RNC board needs to be replaced asap if we want to have a fighting chance of overcoming the election fraud in 2024.

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With all due respect, McCain ran in ‘08, Romney in ‘12. Historical edit free of charge.

Why a call for ending the primary. Let the process play out. Anything else is taking away from that which, we the citizens and legit voters, are due.

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Because it is WASTING TIME, MONEY, and dividing the party. We could use the MILLIONS spent on hosting bunch of debates for 3rd rate wannabes on America First candidates to replace the worthless uniparty incumbents. OR, we could’ve spent the last year and the millions on strategy and election integrity infrastructure, but it has been wasted on a bunch of sad wannabes. The process hasn’t worked out for the party in decades. Republicans consistently lose unless Trump is on the ballot. Trump funded his own Presidential campaign in 2016 and the RNC tried everything to sabotage his primary win - they were scheming to have the delegates at the national convention refuse to choose him as the nominee. They didn’t do anything to help him win even after he overcame all the BS they threw at him in the primaries - he did all of it as a first time politician. He didn’t have all the political class lobbyist career campaign specialists guiding him either. It wasn’t the process that enabled us to elect Trump then either and the process has only become better at sabotaging its own base ever since.

The primary process is over. Anyone encouraging it to continue is either ignorant, a uniparty con hoping Trump gets wrongly convicted and imprisoned so their pathetic candidate of choice can step in, simply uninformed of the facts, or unwilling to live and accept the reality of the times we live in.

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A million "likes" Jen!!!

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Failing to jettison the failed RNC chairman is an admission that the Republican party is not willing to take the decision to differentiate from the Democrat party and become the party of patriotism and America First. It us a recipe for losing an election (2024) we are destined to win and desperately need to win.

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Ronna is the Enemy!

Why can’t Trump see it Yet? How much Evidence? Also, why did Trump meet with Romney in 2016 during Transition.

Trump has picked some Real Losers before!!

Let people like Peter and Larry pick Cabinet and others, not former RNC types

No more Barrs, Sessions , bad Generals, scaryMuchies, cutieSpokesModels, all who can’t wait to make the Talk Shows to push their LieAll Books! Hopefully he will be able to use some of that 6th Sense this Time!!!

Why can’t he See thru Ronna???!

But, Maybe he does See? Maybe he is keeping her at “Arms Length” and for a Reason

Still - Lee Zeldin is the Man!

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Who did you vote for in 2012? Romney was the nominee for the GOP so I voted for him and at the time thought he would make a good POTUS. Still think he was better than Obama or McCain in 2008. Point is many thought Romney was a repbulican we could support and I suspect Trump did also; much like his endorsing McConnell. But hindsight is 20-20 and Romney has turned out to be a loser much like McConnell and a few other so called leaders in the Republican party. Hopefully Trump will have a better cabinet and endorse more conservative candidates in his next presidency.

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I had no choice either! Romney and McCain. I wasn’t all aboard

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Agree, none of us realized how dirty those idiots were, until Trump got in office. I wasn't that big on Mittens or McCain. But I held my nose and voted for them. Tired of shit candidates.... then Trump came along and ....... OMG 😲 !!!!!

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Is there a way to bypass the RNC completely? Dems decentralize fundraising. Why don’t we leverage technology to directly fund America First candidates so they aren’t at the mercy of the RNC?

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Never send money to RNC. Send directly to your candidate of choice.

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The entirety of the primary, "debates" (nauseating scripted sound bites), campaigning - all a waste of money and unnecessary distraction!

Again on the pejorative "RINO"

Romney-McConnell-Ryan-Noonan, McCain, Christy, Bushes - they are the real Republicans, establishment Republicans, red side of the Uniparty. Perhaps Killary was partially correct in painting that part of her opposition as deplorables. I for one see the MAGA America-First attempt to reform or take control as a losing proposition - a new, separate party (if that term is even still applicable) is required - a new wineskin.

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It takes a decade to build a new party infrastructure in all 50 states. In the 10 years getting there, the apolitical population who simply go vote for Republican’s once every four years would be lost for the first 4 years. People have no idea what goes into starting and actually creating a new political party in all 50 states. There are hundreds of filing requirements, pending approvals that can be delayed for years, hurdles that every other 3rd party in this country have been unable to overcome and still can’t get on some state’s ballots. Before you can do any ground game or spread awareness or register voters you have to wait for ALL of that to happen. How many elections are you willing to give up and hand to the democrats while we start a new party? If our country wasn’t in such a dire state it would be worthwhile, but the reality is we do not have time on our side to start a new party. I think the process should be put in motion after 2024 - if we don’t take over the party leadership and therefore the Republican party prior to 2024. It needs to happen asap if we are to have any time to implement strategy so it is in place before the primary and general elections. We need to replace the uniparty’s incumbents and that happens in the primaries. Everyone needs to call their state RNC chairman and two voting committeemen/women that vote on RNC leadership to demand they replace the entire RNC leadership.

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I myself would like to see a MAGA like party although it seems to me that it would result in a splitting of the GOP. In that scenario we would have Trump in that party, DeSantis in the GOP, whoever in the Democrat, RFK Jr as an independent, and who knows what Joe Manchin is looking to do. I see this as favoring the Democrat Party for winning. For now I’m in favor of a growing MAGA caucus in the GOP and eventually assuming control. Building a new party would take a long time and a lot of money.

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Totally agree Pajomac, it would be much easier to change the party and assume control than to start a new party. Just like the lefty Marxists are doing in the demon party. Need to primary every RINO until we're rid of them!

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Republicans can only win in 2024 if the truth surrounding the Covid virus and the military-grade psyop propaganda surrounding it are exposed, including the toxic and ineffective vaccines touted as the only cure for it.

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That would be nice but don't hold your breath.

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That's why it's up to us to remove the blinders from our fellow brothers and sisters. As awkward as those conversations can be, some of them can be reached (those not wearing masks outdoors).

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I'm doing my part brother,... not much success I'm afraid. Most seem to "just wanna move on " Sad....

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Demand that Ronna McDaniel, Chairwoman of the Republican Party, step down, contact the national GOP: https://gop.com

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