A degree from a top university is not required to see the damage done to America's industrial base by "free Trade" zealots whose only goal was to escape high wages and environmental regulation. Plainly seen by the common man in the chained gates, broken windows and overall neglect of the buildings which once housed manufacturing which gave employment and benefits to millions of average Americans. Stoves, refrigerators, washers, dryers, televisions, radios, bicycles, media devices, computers, fishing poles, tableware, glasses, dishes, furniture, textiles, toys, gas grills, water heaters, and clothing just to mention a few of the things which were once made right here. In addition where are the foundry's that once produced iron, steel, brass, copper and aluminum. Not a question as we know the answer. How about the drugs pushed by Big Pharma nightly on TV. We have made nothing but misery for the average worker for many decades. Low pay, no benefits and most certainly no retirement plan for the masses and that is why the deplorables, otherwise known as the Middle Class gravitated to Donald Trump. We also know that the 2024 election will be our last chance to save America for, if Communists formerly Democrats steal another one it's over.

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Excellent summary of a real trade policy. Of course Trump is right. He’s a businessman and others are politicians with no real business dealings.

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Apr 5Edited

Best summary of our trade agreements and how they affect the working middle class in the United States! Actually in the beginning our country was funded by tariffs! For some reason we got off track and even conservatives like Mark Levin said tariffs would hurt the U.S. economy! How wrong they were and have since seen the light!

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I'm still waiting for for my shipment of Navarro books. God bless Peter!! 🇺🇸

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Who is S.Karol Paul?

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