Trump’s Apprentice: Ron DeSantis Flunks the Learning Curve
Transcript of Peter's latest podcast
Trump’s Apprentice: Ron DeSantis Flunks the Learning Curve
· There’s a steep learning curve to govern as president
· DeSantis has not gone up the curve
· Trump is ready to deal with our economic, national security, and border issues
· No comes close to Trump as the savior of this land
· DeSantis should apprentice as Trump’s VP and get 12 years total in the Oval
Hi. Peter Navarro here and in this episode of the Taking Back Trump’s America podcast and substack, I’m going to reprise a nice little segment I did sitting in as cohost with the esteemed Steve Bannon – Darth Vader of the left and MAGA general for the right.
As you will see from this clip, Steve and I always have fun on the set; and we share a common bond, having served in the Trump White House together. In that White House, both Steve and I found as many Never-Trump enemies within the West Wing as outside it, but the message of this particular clip is one for both Ron DeSantis and the world.
To wit: there is an enormously steep learning curve for any individual ascending to the office of president for the first time. As both Steve and I argue in this clip, nobody on either side of the political aisle is more ready to govern come January 2025 given the problems we are facing on both the economy and national security than Donald John Trump.
As I argue in my Taking back Trump’s America book, Ron DeSantis would do well to wear the mantle as vice president to Trump, spend four years in the White House going up the learning curve, and then, likely spend another eight years as president.
I hope sanity prevails in the DeSantis camp – are you listening Ron – but the more I see the globalist Never-Trump crowd throw money at DeSantis, the more concerned I become that a Trump-DeSantis will not become a reality.
At any rate, please enjoy this clip. Please listen to Steve Bannon’s war room, and please become a paid subscriber to my substack if you can at Peter That’s Peter
Every dollar I raise on the substack I will need to fund my legal defense against the bad guys in Joe Biden’s weaponized bureaucracy. These corrupt clowns have already put me in leg irons and now want to put me in prison. Don’t cry for me Argentina – but give a brother a little help if you can.
Bannon’s War Room -- D BLOCK
Ron DeSantis tried to cut seniors benefits in Congress. DeSantis voted three times to cut Social Security, even to privatize Medicare. Worse, DeSantis wanted to raise the retirement age to 70. Ron DeSantis would make us work longer to get less.
President Trump promised we will protect Medicare and Social Security. President Trump delivers and he always will. Make America great again. Inc is responsible for the content of this advertising.
Okay. NBC News is reporting that Ron DeSantis’ advisors and the donors are telling people that Ron DeSantis is going to kick off an exploratory committee in mid May. And so it looks like game on. I got my own thoughts about that. I think Governor Santos would be much smarter to focus on Florida and to wait. But it looks like, and I've said this from the beginning, the consultants are going to make so much money off of DeSantis's run, $25 or $30 million.
My advice in the last book there, Taking Back Trump's America is like, hey [Ron], just do the VP thing and then you'd have twelve years of a White House experience. You can't Steve, let me make the case here. One of the most important reasons to put Trump in in 2025 is that he's gone through the learning curve. People need to understand there's a tremendous learning curve to being a president and for the staff around him.
I mean, it's like if you and I walked in back in 2017 with what we know now, it would have been a totally different ability to help the boss.
We're [also] at the beginning stage of World War Three. This is the commander in chief. He's ready. You know what you got [with Trump in the first] four years. Peace and prosperity. Yeah.
I do think he [DeSantis] is doing a great job in Florida, but is he up to dealing with the CCP, the trip to Korea, and things [like that were] embarrassing? He shouldn't embarrass [the nation]. But DeSantis does not listen.
DeSantis [doesn’t] talk to people like the boss [Trump] did. The one thing I loved about the boss and the [Trump] Chiefs of Staff never understood was that you got to let Trump be Trump. And what that means is he talks constantly to as many different people as possible and come to conclusions.
What everybody tells me about DeSantis is he's an introvert who doesn't talk to anybody, and that dog won't hunt.
But besides talk, when you're in a meeting with President Trump, he listens. He listens more than any major chairman or CEO I've ever dealt with. He's a listener.
He'll listen to people just like you [do Steve] in the sense that when he knows what somebody's going to say, he will cut him off.
Well, he doesn't want to waste time.
Yeah, exactly. He’s going to cut you off. He’s a master chess player going around the room. I mean, those were some of the happiest days of my life. Like sitting there, watching the ball bounce around the room [in the Oval Office] and having him hold court.
But the point I want to get back to it. There's a huge learning curve, and there's nobody there's nobody out there right now who could step into the Oval Office and deal with the problems [America is facing].
Trump gave us four years of peace and prosperity. I don't care if you hate the sound of Donald Trump's voice. He gave us four years of peace and prosperity. There's nobody on the [political] scene. All of [the candidates] added up together. None could do that.
And this country is in a dire situation and it's getting worse by day. [The faltering] economy, Steve. National security on Communist China, North Korea and Russia.
desatanist was groomed by atheist globalists
I simply do not see the purpose of a hit piece on an important Republican. You need to focus your intellect on defeating the woke left which the Democrats have surrendered to.