I simply do not see the purpose of a hit piece on an important Republican. You need to focus your intellect on defeating the woke left which the Democrats have surrendered to.
If you want facts, please see my comment on this article. I covered some of the legislation DeSantis is supporting as governor. Here's another: Last yr he and our uniparty legislators only banned gender insanity classes in K-3. The news reports "Florida bans teaching of gender identity and sexual orientation through 12th grade." Not true. The Florida State Board of Ed (not legislators) banned the lessons UNLESS REQUIRED. Look at the people on the state board. Some are from groups that subscribe to gender insanity. The legislators are only considering a ban thru 8th grade.
If you want to get the scoop on DeSantis, you must look at the legislation instead of listening to his speeches or the media.
Far more concerning to me is the legislation DeSantis is supporting as governor.
This week he signed HB269 which criminalizes free speech in the name of anti-Semitism. It makes "hate speech" a felony punishable with 5 yrs in prison. Free speech is an all or none proposition. Ron doesn't understand that, or chooses to ignore it.
DeSantis requested SB7050 Elections reform law. It passed the FL house and senate and is on its way to our part-time governor, wherever he is. SB7050 prohibits hand counts, limits citizen access to voter data and results, does not require proper citizen and residence verification, prohibits third party audits, no one but gov't election officials can question elections. So much for our voice at the ballot box in 2024.
DeSantis has also requested billions for mental health programs that use psychiatric drugs linked to violence and suicide. Thousands of experts have warned him about the danger of these drugs. Despite the studies and evidence, he chooses to support these programs...and Big Pharma.
We have a lot of great patriots in Florida. Unfortunately, DeSantis and his RINO/uniparty legislators aren't working for us.
Someone who has Trump’s ear should provide him some direction. Don’t waste time and effort, at this point in time, attacking fellow republicans. The focus should be divided between running on Trump’s record and attacking Biden’s record. That, along with explaining the differences between the republican platform versus the democratic platform, should make it clear that he is the Only choice. One more thing, he should admit that he was duped by the public health officials and some trusted advisors regarding the whole pandemic issue. This and explain that, hidden from him, was the DOD involvement in planning, pushing and ordering the “biowarfare countermeasures” later renamed “Vaccines “. A little humility would go a long way towards convincing some fence sitters. I can’t wait to vote for him again. God Bless America!
DeRino polls are terrible and anyone with common sense would wait till 2028.
He’s not waiting and chugging ahead embarrassing himself. Why? I think it’s because he/backers know there is more in the plan to get rid of Trump.
Now with Tucker gone there is no conservatives that question the narrative on television anymore. All conservatives have been forced onto the internet to communicate. Let’s remember what Klaus Schwab said awhile ago..........
“ there will be a major internet outage within 2 years ...”
My prediction is there will be a disgusting “October” surprise such as a deep fake or another Russia hoax about Trump. Perhaps before the GOP convention. The internet goes out mysteriously blamed on Russia. And Trump or conservatives will have no way to debunk any further accusations thrown at him.
Yes. I could be wrong on this scenario but there is other possibilities they have planned. Obviously DeRino camp knows and it’s proof if they forge ahead.
There is a plan against Trump and that’s why DeRino won’t quit!!! He’s waiting it out to become the conservatives saviour. It’s disgusting.
I agree with you on the "Never Trump" crowd backing De Sanctimonious. I know from having a personal friend run for office that the experience becomes very heady and ego-boosting. You begin to believe that you can win, regardless of what common sense says. I can only imagine that the experience is magnified 100x when you have the establishment infusing the big bucks into your campaign. My favorite moment from the 2016 GOP Primary debates was DJT telling Jeb Bush he was at 1% and to drop out because if his polls sunk any further, he'd drop off the end of the stage! I think we will be treated to these moments again, albeit not during primary debates as DJT has already said he will not participate. Unless RD and DJT have a secret plan cooked up, which is doubtful, this drama will unfortunately unfold over the next year. When CNN begins to gush over RD, maybe the people will wake up!
He said he'd fall off the stage and metaphorically, this was true. Learn the difference between this and name calling. I can't believe this needs to be explained.
But rinos and liberals call Trump terrible names. But that’s okay.
But as soon as trump does it they don’t like it because the names are focusing on the weakness of the opponent. Trumps way of doing things is intentional so people know what the person is. It’s a generalization he does and I like it. Lol.
Goodbye to the rino/liberal complainer who commented.
To suggest DeSoros as Trump’s VP let’s me know you and SKB are not doing your homework and vetting people. DeSoros is a Deep State acolyte. He’s always had his head up the Bush Cartel’s azz. He said daddy Bush was his inspiration. He belongs to St. Elmo’s secret society. It’s a step above Skull and Bones. Nope we don’t need anymore Satanists pedophiles in our government.
Trump is the only way to save America. We’re in dire straights right now and he has the experience and willingness to right this sining ship. Though many have awakened, there are many who still follow the MSM as their savior. Going to be a very interesting 19 months!
You hypocrite you called Trumps behavior and anyone who criticizes DeSoros childish behavior. Try growing up beta boy. Most of us don’t like political correctness. It’s in the communist playbook to shut people up. Nope I won’t indulge you. If you don’t like the comment just scroll on by and stop setting your pants.
His failure to “read the audience” speaks volumes about his lack of political savvy and clearly points out that he’s listening to the wrong people. If he was smart, he’d release a statement declaring he is not running and start aggressively supporting Trump. That might allow him to win in 2028. Instead, Florida just passed a law allowing him to not resign as governor if he chooses to run and they continue to run ads of Ron for President (I’ve seen many!). The UniParty & the Dems just won 2024 due to Ron!
I want to know just one thing that’s been bothering me for years, and continues to be an issue. Why does Trump hire people who stab him in the back? He does it over and over again.
Peter, if anybody knows the answer, it’s you. Can you please enlighten us?
We have been at war with the Deep State since Trump came down the escalator. When you put your enemies up front the world can see for themselves how treasonous these people are. His first term was designed to expose the corruption. His second term will be Justice for we the people and pain for the traitors. The deep state is global and will be taken down by the Alliance militaries working with Trump and our military. Not the Generals that are in TV. They are traitors and will be dealt with.
This is great news. Not sure who the “Alliance” is. Not sure who the military leaders are who will take down the deep state. But that’s ok, doesn’t matter. Please notify the Alliance that they have the green light to take down the Deep State starting this weekend. Thanks.
True enough in and of itself, but that’s not what I’m looking for. If he’s re-elected, how do we know we won’t be dealing with four more years of internal sabotage?
The left will continue the attack on our freedom and liberty no matter what. They are well funded, well organized, and have no bottom to their treachery. The smell of blood and the lust for power drives them blindly forward with no regard for the consequences.
Next Presidency, the gloves come off. Arrests will happen. We are already beginning to receive disclosure. First Biden and Hunter, then O and HRC. They are doing everything in their power to stop DJT from acting upon all the evidence he has seen when POTUS. They will still try to sabotage him though. It's their only move left.
What makes you confident that he will get into office? He won the 2020 election and they stole it. They staged a coup on January 6 to keep him from getting back into office with traitor Mike Pence for the assist. No significant election reforms have happened in any of the problem states to date. How does that get overcome? Hope is not a plan. Trust me. I’m as frustrated as anybody.
Trump won 2016, even though we were told HRC had a 99% chance of winning. If this was had actually happened, the majority of us would likely be dead by now. Had he “won” in 2020, we would have had four more years of sabotage and fighting tooth and nail by many of our brainwashed and dumbed down countrymen and women. The battleground for the information war is in the hearts and minds of the normies. Perhaps a Biden Presidency was the most effective and time expedient way of waking enough of them up for humanity to ultimately prevail. It also serves other purposes such a laying the groundwork for a new currency, the dismantling of the federal reserve, return to a constitutional republic etc. We didn’t get here overnight and we won’t undo it overnight either. God is the only one who can fix things in a day and He is not bound by dates like November 3rd or January 6th. Hang in there! On a personal note, I live very close to Palm Beach. I have seen and spoken with DJT (yes, really) and his people many times. They are utterly unbothered and not stressed. That gives me comfort. Do I know anything more? Nope! I just have faith.
I spent most of 2021 and all of 2022 working to get Ron re-elected. I created a grassroots corp. Ron DeSantis 2022-Keep Florida Free and working outside of the Republican Party here in Florida, got the Hispanic andIndepe ndent vote out for Ron. Now I feel betrayed. There is zero transparency in order to keep voters from seeing that Ron is bought and paid for by the RINO anti-Trump donor class. I should have known back in 2021 when Ron chose the head of the Republican Governors Assn that took big money from big tech, to head up his re-election team. Come debate time, Donald will wipe the floor with "Little De", making Little Marco look like a romp in the park. I shared your desire for a Trump-DeSantis ticket, but reality is now staring me in the face. Ron will sell his soul for the office.
One of my thoughts is that the RINOs are using Ron to split the GOP because they’d rather have Biden win than Trump. The question is, is Ron going along with it knowingly or unknowingly? Both options aren’t reassuring.
I also think a Trump-DeSantis ticket would be a winner! But we’ll never win with in-fighting and ignoring the fact that the Dems have a great ground game with ballot harvesting and early voting! Imagine if Biden wins again never getting out of his basement and never debating? What’s Trump doing on the ground game and the lawfare around elections?
desatanist was groomed by atheist globalists
I simply do not see the purpose of a hit piece on an important Republican. You need to focus your intellect on defeating the woke left which the Democrats have surrendered to.
You need to stop being childish and do some research on DeSoros. I will never ever vote for the lying scum bag for any position even dog catcher.
Vivek is a better Maga candidate than DeSoros ever will be.
DeSoros can never be trusted. He’s so fake and scripted.
Pot calling Kettle black. Name-calling is undignified and counter-productive. Didn't your mother teach you anything?
If you want facts, please see my comment on this article. I covered some of the legislation DeSantis is supporting as governor. Here's another: Last yr he and our uniparty legislators only banned gender insanity classes in K-3. The news reports "Florida bans teaching of gender identity and sexual orientation through 12th grade." Not true. The Florida State Board of Ed (not legislators) banned the lessons UNLESS REQUIRED. Look at the people on the state board. Some are from groups that subscribe to gender insanity. The legislators are only considering a ban thru 8th grade.
If you want to get the scoop on DeSantis, you must look at the legislation instead of listening to his speeches or the media.
My estimation of DeSantis has tumbled as we learn more.
Peter this kid is not even wet behind his ears yet. Maybe he should fix the RED TIDE on west coast of Florida not flying around the world.
Far more concerning to me is the legislation DeSantis is supporting as governor.
This week he signed HB269 which criminalizes free speech in the name of anti-Semitism. It makes "hate speech" a felony punishable with 5 yrs in prison. Free speech is an all or none proposition. Ron doesn't understand that, or chooses to ignore it.
DeSantis requested SB7050 Elections reform law. It passed the FL house and senate and is on its way to our part-time governor, wherever he is. SB7050 prohibits hand counts, limits citizen access to voter data and results, does not require proper citizen and residence verification, prohibits third party audits, no one but gov't election officials can question elections. So much for our voice at the ballot box in 2024.
DeSantis has also requested billions for mental health programs that use psychiatric drugs linked to violence and suicide. Thousands of experts have warned him about the danger of these drugs. Despite the studies and evidence, he chooses to support these programs...and Big Pharma.
We have a lot of great patriots in Florida. Unfortunately, DeSantis and his RINO/uniparty legislators aren't working for us.
Yes. That election bill is terrible!!!!
Someone who has Trump’s ear should provide him some direction. Don’t waste time and effort, at this point in time, attacking fellow republicans. The focus should be divided between running on Trump’s record and attacking Biden’s record. That, along with explaining the differences between the republican platform versus the democratic platform, should make it clear that he is the Only choice. One more thing, he should admit that he was duped by the public health officials and some trusted advisors regarding the whole pandemic issue. This and explain that, hidden from him, was the DOD involvement in planning, pushing and ordering the “biowarfare countermeasures” later renamed “Vaccines “. A little humility would go a long way towards convincing some fence sitters. I can’t wait to vote for him again. God Bless America!
DeRino polls are terrible and anyone with common sense would wait till 2028.
He’s not waiting and chugging ahead embarrassing himself. Why? I think it’s because he/backers know there is more in the plan to get rid of Trump.
Now with Tucker gone there is no conservatives that question the narrative on television anymore. All conservatives have been forced onto the internet to communicate. Let’s remember what Klaus Schwab said awhile ago..........
“ there will be a major internet outage within 2 years ...”
My prediction is there will be a disgusting “October” surprise such as a deep fake or another Russia hoax about Trump. Perhaps before the GOP convention. The internet goes out mysteriously blamed on Russia. And Trump or conservatives will have no way to debunk any further accusations thrown at him.
Yes. I could be wrong on this scenario but there is other possibilities they have planned. Obviously DeRino camp knows and it’s proof if they forge ahead.
There is a plan against Trump and that’s why DeRino won’t quit!!! He’s waiting it out to become the conservatives saviour. It’s disgusting.
I agree with you on the "Never Trump" crowd backing De Sanctimonious. I know from having a personal friend run for office that the experience becomes very heady and ego-boosting. You begin to believe that you can win, regardless of what common sense says. I can only imagine that the experience is magnified 100x when you have the establishment infusing the big bucks into your campaign. My favorite moment from the 2016 GOP Primary debates was DJT telling Jeb Bush he was at 1% and to drop out because if his polls sunk any further, he'd drop off the end of the stage! I think we will be treated to these moments again, albeit not during primary debates as DJT has already said he will not participate. Unless RD and DJT have a secret plan cooked up, which is doubtful, this drama will unfortunately unfold over the next year. When CNN begins to gush over RD, maybe the people will wake up!
Name-calling is one of Trump’s most childish habits. Stop following him on this already.
That’s what is cool about it, if you are real American.
He said he'd fall off the stage and metaphorically, this was true. Learn the difference between this and name calling. I can't believe this needs to be explained.
But rinos and liberals call Trump terrible names. But that’s okay.
But as soon as trump does it they don’t like it because the names are focusing on the weakness of the opponent. Trumps way of doing things is intentional so people know what the person is. It’s a generalization he does and I like it. Lol.
Goodbye to the rino/liberal complainer who commented.
To suggest DeSoros as Trump’s VP let’s me know you and SKB are not doing your homework and vetting people. DeSoros is a Deep State acolyte. He’s always had his head up the Bush Cartel’s azz. He said daddy Bush was his inspiration. He belongs to St. Elmo’s secret society. It’s a step above Skull and Bones. Nope we don’t need anymore Satanists pedophiles in our government.
Trump is the only way to save America. We’re in dire straights right now and he has the experience and willingness to right this sining ship. Though many have awakened, there are many who still follow the MSM as their savior. Going to be a very interesting 19 months!
Meant to say ‘sinking’ ship.
You hypocrite you called Trumps behavior and anyone who criticizes DeSoros childish behavior. Try growing up beta boy. Most of us don’t like political correctness. It’s in the communist playbook to shut people up. Nope I won’t indulge you. If you don’t like the comment just scroll on by and stop setting your pants.
His failure to “read the audience” speaks volumes about his lack of political savvy and clearly points out that he’s listening to the wrong people. If he was smart, he’d release a statement declaring he is not running and start aggressively supporting Trump. That might allow him to win in 2028. Instead, Florida just passed a law allowing him to not resign as governor if he chooses to run and they continue to run ads of Ron for President (I’ve seen many!). The UniParty & the Dems just won 2024 due to Ron!
Trump will win in 2024. Ron the Con DeSoros is in the middle of committing political suicide.
I want to know just one thing that’s been bothering me for years, and continues to be an issue. Why does Trump hire people who stab him in the back? He does it over and over again.
Peter, if anybody knows the answer, it’s you. Can you please enlighten us?
We have been at war with the Deep State since Trump came down the escalator. When you put your enemies up front the world can see for themselves how treasonous these people are. His first term was designed to expose the corruption. His second term will be Justice for we the people and pain for the traitors. The deep state is global and will be taken down by the Alliance militaries working with Trump and our military. Not the Generals that are in TV. They are traitors and will be dealt with.
This is great news. Not sure who the “Alliance” is. Not sure who the military leaders are who will take down the deep state. But that’s ok, doesn’t matter. Please notify the Alliance that they have the green light to take down the Deep State starting this weekend. Thanks.
The Alliance is militaries from 32 countries around the world working with our military to take down the Deep State.
Heavy is the head that wears the golden crown. That's why. Jealousy.
True enough in and of itself, but that’s not what I’m looking for. If he’s re-elected, how do we know we won’t be dealing with four more years of internal sabotage?
The left will continue the attack on our freedom and liberty no matter what. They are well funded, well organized, and have no bottom to their treachery. The smell of blood and the lust for power drives them blindly forward with no regard for the consequences.
Next Presidency, the gloves come off. Arrests will happen. We are already beginning to receive disclosure. First Biden and Hunter, then O and HRC. They are doing everything in their power to stop DJT from acting upon all the evidence he has seen when POTUS. They will still try to sabotage him though. It's their only move left.
What makes you confident that he will get into office? He won the 2020 election and they stole it. They staged a coup on January 6 to keep him from getting back into office with traitor Mike Pence for the assist. No significant election reforms have happened in any of the problem states to date. How does that get overcome? Hope is not a plan. Trust me. I’m as frustrated as anybody.
Trump won 2016, even though we were told HRC had a 99% chance of winning. If this was had actually happened, the majority of us would likely be dead by now. Had he “won” in 2020, we would have had four more years of sabotage and fighting tooth and nail by many of our brainwashed and dumbed down countrymen and women. The battleground for the information war is in the hearts and minds of the normies. Perhaps a Biden Presidency was the most effective and time expedient way of waking enough of them up for humanity to ultimately prevail. It also serves other purposes such a laying the groundwork for a new currency, the dismantling of the federal reserve, return to a constitutional republic etc. We didn’t get here overnight and we won’t undo it overnight either. God is the only one who can fix things in a day and He is not bound by dates like November 3rd or January 6th. Hang in there! On a personal note, I live very close to Palm Beach. I have seen and spoken with DJT (yes, really) and his people many times. They are utterly unbothered and not stressed. That gives me comfort. Do I know anything more? Nope! I just have faith.
I spent most of 2021 and all of 2022 working to get Ron re-elected. I created a grassroots corp. Ron DeSantis 2022-Keep Florida Free and working outside of the Republican Party here in Florida, got the Hispanic andIndepe ndent vote out for Ron. Now I feel betrayed. There is zero transparency in order to keep voters from seeing that Ron is bought and paid for by the RINO anti-Trump donor class. I should have known back in 2021 when Ron chose the head of the Republican Governors Assn that took big money from big tech, to head up his re-election team. Come debate time, Donald will wipe the floor with "Little De", making Little Marco look like a romp in the park. I shared your desire for a Trump-DeSantis ticket, but reality is now staring me in the face. Ron will sell his soul for the office.
One of my thoughts is that the RINOs are using Ron to split the GOP because they’d rather have Biden win than Trump. The question is, is Ron going along with it knowingly or unknowingly? Both options aren’t reassuring.
One has to move out of Florida or the FL electoral votes don't count with a Trump/DeSantis ticket! Per the Constitution!
I also think a Trump-DeSantis ticket would be a winner! But we’ll never win with in-fighting and ignoring the fact that the Dems have a great ground game with ballot harvesting and early voting! Imagine if Biden wins again never getting out of his basement and never debating? What’s Trump doing on the ground game and the lawfare around elections?