Americans are tired of the endless funding of wars of no purpose but to be an endless cash cow of expending American tax dollars. We have nothing but dead and wounded soldiers and a mountain of debt. What country on this planet will step up and save us from our political stupidity? Surely none that continually take US handouts.

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What are they going to do to bring the endless domestic Lawfare to an end, to ensure there is a fair election, to prevent endless Lawfare against the transition after the election? Is there a plan for that, moreover one that might succeed? Or is a second Trump presidency going to be an endless debacle with the Swamp hobbling him and his team every step of the way? When are you guys going to go on offence instead of playing endless ineffective defence?

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All very good points. Thank you!

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President Who?

We haven't had a president since January 20, 2021 and what's left dozing on a Delaware beach is an empty shell, a complaisant and complicit relic who dances spasmodically to the tune called by his neocon masters. Meanwhile, American taxpayers continue to shovel our national treasure into this exercise in futility and Ukrainian boys continue to be slaughtered needlessly as Ukrainian territory is lost and its cities and infrastructure ruined.

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Praise The Lord God Save America

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Trump needs to call out weather engineering asap! They have been using their machines on election day for many years in key areas! It’s not the distraction of chemtrails. It’s actually power machines!!! Plus Trump needs to call out this too!!! It’s real!


And I swear Bobby has been a psy op plan to make him president all along.

All China wants is a green agenda president and it often looks like everyone is being manipulated to make bobby president. I hope I’m wrong but with manufactured weather and power outages … each candidate will not have enough EC votes. The corrupt Congress will pick Bobby with the fake narrative that he’s an independent.

Let’s hope I’m wrong!!!

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John Bolton, a chickenhawk who avoided service in Vietnam, was a strong supporter of the Iranian Communist MEK (MKO, PMOI, NCRI, Rajavi Cult, or Pol Pot of Iran) terrorists. Bolton, Rudy Giuliani, and Newt Gingrich had received money for speaking in support of the MEK in Europe. No intelligent President would have hired Bolton. Since then, hundreds of Democrats and Republicans in Congress have supported resolutions praising the MEK. With President Trump, there would have been no war in Ukraine. Unfortunately, Trump supports the genocide in Gaza. Real pro life Republicans will be voting for the Libertarian Party candidate this time.

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