They also should be charged with malicious prosecution

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They should also have to reimburse Donald Trump for all money he has had to spend on travel, and defense.

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wow yes

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That often comes with a verdict of malicious prosecution.


Let's hope.

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Yes but Personally not from the taxpayers pocket which they’ve abused consistently with these constant persecution’s of Trump and everyone in his orbit.

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Yes, from their salaries, professional Liability insurance, pensions, and selling their homes, cars, investments etc. until they have made each defendant whole for their time and wages lost, legal fees and penalties for false prosecution for political purposes.

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We need about 10 or 12 States to impanel grand juries based on this.

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There is a role for congress to play in this by using The Holman Rule to cut funding for these witch hunt trials and individuals responsible (Lisa Monaco among others). Keven McCarthy is totally financially compromised by the CCP which is why he is sitting on his hands and putting people in charge of these committees that will never do anything except talk, talk, talk. No concrete action?

Motion to vacate and Matt Gaetz for House Speaker!

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YES! Get McCarthy out of the Speaker position.

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In effect, a Communist coup is in process and, if it is not stopped in 2024, we'll be living in a Communist China based country.

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Who's going to stop the Soros ERIC (Electronic Registration Information Center), Early Universal Balloting and the Calculating Machines connected Online to whomever is willing to pay the highest price for the honor of controlling the IRREGULARITIES? The Intl Central Banker Family MAFIA's Capo's are ready to rock and the 'CHEAT MACHINE' is well oiled and going to BLOCK THE PATRIOTS...With the U.N. Peacekeeping Forces TRAINED IN U.S. SECRET BASES WITH THE ILLEGAL ALIENS AND ALL THE CCP MILITARY SURROUNDING THE U.S. BASES USED FOR REINFORCEMENTS FOR THE U.S. WOKE MILITARY not able to fight its way out of a paper bag any longer?

OBASTARD SecDef. Austin's Secretary (Sorry...His ASSISTANT) is Kathy Chang; referred by the BENEDICT ARNOLD OBastard Crime Family's son after fraudulently installed into the Oval Office. It's all already arranged. JUST A MATTER OF LOGISTICS WITHOUT PEOPLE ACTUALLY NOTICING FOR THE FIGHT EUPHEMISTICALLY DEFINED ON THE PRETEXT OF 'SAVING OUR DEMOCRACY' which is a LIE/PROPAGANDA.

The U.S. was which NEVER an EVIL 'Mob Controlled'/Human Rights based Democracy harped on in the U.K. Monarchy ran by some Psycho/Sociopath King/Dictator delusional God...HIDING THE ROTHSCHILD BANKER MAFIA for centuries. The U.S. is a 'Constitutional Republic' based in CREATOR ENDOWED INALIENABLE RIGHTS and that is a HUGE DIFFERENCE IN GOVERNANCE the Fascist DEMAND ALL FORGET ABOUT.

People will have weapons ready to rock before the next Election Day and the Fascists KNOW IT...Which the Intl Mafia is, OF COURSE, planning to be the very last one. It's tiring and EXPENSIVE to continue the FALSE FLAG PRETENSE of the 'Cheat Machine' every few years.

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You’re right. Soros is funding his think tank, text a terrorist (they send out a text saying when and where and hundreds show up, most don’t care the cause) and loves to manipulate elections. Oh and don’t forget those smear wrap up campaign tactics.

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The Cluster they're making the whole situation into will make Enemy Identification reach a factor of difficulty few people are capable of assimilating in such short spaces of time. It will again be as a Civil War and this time there are immeasurable Enemy Reinforcements TRAINED BY THE CAPO'S PERPETRATING THE CHEAT FOR THE INTL CENTRAL BANKER FAMILY MAFIA.

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Think you have something there...

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Awesome! Lets get the States to bring the charges as you have laid out forward. Onward Christian Soldiers.

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These corrupt defendants should be disbarred ,indicted & prosecuted for their blatant disregard for the rule of law. They have made a mockery of our justice system. They colluded & tried to convict an innocent man & his associates. They deliberately inflated their charges to try to stop Trump from running. What they didn’t comprehend is that the patriots of America would rally around their former president in grand style. The states involved should charge these criminals to the highest extent of the law.

Where is the corrupt judge orchestrating the Jan 6 th charges? She should be included. Our justice system needs to be totally overhauled when Trump wins in 24. The Corrupt FBI too. Enough .

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I agree with every point made in this article and have since the day he was elected in 2016 and the attacks started. We the taxpayers not only had to foot the bill for bogus impeachments investigations, but we paid highly paid elected officials for NOT WORKING AT THEIR JOBS FOR 4 YEARS, not to mention the life-long Congressional admins, DOJ, FBI and CIA deep state treasonous plants who are and have been sucking the teat of "We the People" for decades. Hillary should be included in this indictment, after all, she is the one who funded and pushed the fraudulent Russian Hoax and on the day after Trump was elected in spite of the O'Biden regimes complicity to derail him called for the deep state to resist. That started all the Antifa and race bating rhetoric that is still tearing this Republic apart.

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Petition: Stop the Prosecutions of Donald J. Trump Now https://www.larouchepac.com/petition_stop_the_prosecutions_of_donald_j_trump_now

This is a petition which needs to have signatures in the millions by Labor Day

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Thank you! Signed and shared on Truth and X.

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As usual, MAGA will have to keep doing all the heavy lifting while we wait for "Republicans" to stop whimpering in the corner.

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With few exceptions, they don't care about "we the people". Pay your taxes, kneel before the elite gods and shut up!

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While we are charging them for unconstitutional criminal acts, add treason.

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They plus hundreds more.

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We MUST, take back this country, from Biden & his cronies! This ILLEGALLY ELECTED, ANTI - AMERICAN, ANTI-MILITARY, ANTI-JUDEO CHRISTIAN, ANTI-CONSTITUTION, ANTI-BORDER SECURITY, ANTI-CAPITALISM, ANTI-FARMER, ETC., ETC., IS THE WORST PRESIDENT, our nation, has ever had, no, ENDURED! Both he & his laughing sidekick, are "MAXIMUS INCOMPETUS!" That's THEIR new titles! As bad as Biden IS, you better hope & pray, that he doesn't kick the bucket! Cause, if SHE takes over, not a pretty optimistic picture, 'eh? You can say what you like, about Trump, but he is "AMERICA FIRST!" Biden/Harris are "AMERICA LAST!" Biden, couldn't SHINE, Trump's shoes, f/ "LEADERSHIP/MANAGERIAL" skills!!

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Where are some state AGs, DAs with heart and soul???

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Patriots- Pray for President Trump that Almighty God will protect him and his family from this evil.

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That this would be a true court case seeking that justice be done would make me feel better. The frog is now boiling in the pot of water. Many are now wide awake, angry and waiting for some one who will triumph over blatant evil.

Thank you, Peter. I stand with you and the others. United we stand; divided we fall.

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“Declare His glory among the nations, His wonders among all peoples.”-Psalm 96:3---

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Disbar all of them. They need to wearing orange vests while picking refuse by the side of the road.

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