And hopefully it will be a Republican administration that will clean house in the FBI in seven months.

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The Supreme Court decision made that more possible! The administrative state will be cut down to size and humbled no matter who wins the election. Of Course DJT will win- jus’ sayin’ we had a huge one for We the People yesterday! I pray Monday is also a huge win for Trump and all charged in relation to standing on Presidential Immunity! Peter and Steve B will have records expunged!

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If we don't retake the Whitehouse the Republic is lost. The deep state has been exposed and they have a LOT corruption to bury. The communists in power will stop at nothing to assure perpetual election wins and eternal power. It will be game over. We literally have one more chance to save this country.

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My vote is sooner than later.

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Oh yeah, that's going to happen!

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Now that the world has witnessed that we are leaderless, we must demand to hold the election in the very near, and immediate future!

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I was gonna say "big stinking LIE."

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J Edgar Hoover used 25% of the FBI budget to spy on DC Congressman and others like MLK etc. He believed he was the moral authority and the protector of the USA. Read the astute researched book called The Secret Life of J Edgar Hoover! Book banned for 10 years in the USA by an act of Congress! Power and control reign supreme in D C!

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Just look at how long they help up publishing books like Kash Patel’s “ Government Gangsters “.

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*held up

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Democrats = Hypocrites.

Power is all that matters to them.

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To be fair since the fall of mankind in the garden we all wanted power above all- just follow a 2 year old for a day and you will see what I mean ( or Biden ) . Still the Dems have gotten over their skis a bit far this time! They bit off more than they could chew and will be put out to pasture for.. oh let’s say 100 years or so? At least that was the goal Steve had at the beginning of this fight.

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Nice sentence! "Still the Dems have gotten over their skis a bit far this time!"

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Not out to pasture.

Dissolve the party.

Start over.

They’ve done enough harm to this nation.

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Prayer Helps Save the Constitution

“…and call on Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will glorify Me.”


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Is there a Get Out Of Jail card for you? Asking for a friend named Steven K Bannon, who needs a WarRoom Temp Host!

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N.b.: Navarro gets out of jail on July 17, 6 days after Bannon enters. So the WarRoom will barely miss a beat!

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What if the SCOTUS votes total immunity for DJT on Monday? Could that mean these two dudes get pardons from their contempt charges?

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Not likely. Presidential immunity is considered reserved for the president, not so much for his staff. I disagree, but I fear the justices will not support this view.

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I believe SCOTUS will confer immunity to the president but waffle on extending it to his trusted consort of advisers. SCOTUS has a history of this sort of behavior in its efforts to placate all political interests.

While I celebrate the necessary declaration of presidential immunity for actions while in office, unless that immunity extends to a president’s trusted advisers, there will be no-one willing to assume that responsibility unless their counsel is ALSO shielded by immunity.

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Looks as though we now have a major integrity and dishonorable bunch in Congress. Let’s proceed with the Brunson Brothers case. Broken system=broken oaths of office! After they are gone…. No more ideological requirements, no more FBI. When for heavens sake will our checks and balances work, other than in our check books!! If we are honest that is. Who is going to run these men and women with an iron fist? We can do this! There is still integrity and honest in this nation. However, we cannot take it for granted as though it is a matter of fact. Because these people say they want to be in service to our people. They have to prove it by their actions before they arrive at the teacup dome. And, Term limits are mandatory right out the gate.

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Hope Peter takes over The WAR room

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Thank you, Peter. I was not aware of The Teapot Dome scandal. Geez...Nothing new under the sun. Corruption recycling.

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My liberal Marxist teachers in High School taught critical thinking better than they knew, and so I learned about more of the events not often exposed and as a result, I now got un friended by my teacher last year because my critical thinking was not jiving with his ideology and he couldn’t take it. It stung, but I realized it proved that I was over the target! 🎯

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For sure!

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The Federal Bureau of Spying!

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It should be obvious to all, that our government is corrupt and diseased from top to bottom. And this is the reason that so few good people make the choice to enter into it.

For those that do, and for those who support them, the primary objective (beyond the dictates of the oath they all swear to), should be to dismantle the behemoth, the gargantuan parasite, that feeds off of the wealth of its citizens.

I think we can agree that we need a national government to protect and defend, not the slovenly, festering, demonic succubus we have.

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It’s happening! We all need to help.

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Jun 29·edited Jun 29

Rhymes with, no, but acronym now stands for Fraudulent Biased Investigations.

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Lesson learned…The agency historically has done more harm than good. A majority of agencies, making life harder for Americans, have not been around as long as the FBI. Significant cuts in funding for all agencies would force a national debate on mission and priorities.

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tea pot dome, to crack pot dome

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Bad men cannot make good citizens. It is when a people forget God that tyrants forge their chains. A vitiated state of morals, a corrupted public conscience, is incompatible with freedom. No free government, or the blessings of liberty, can be preserved to any people but by a firm adherence to justice, moderation, temperance, frugality, and virtue; and by a frequent recurrence to fundamental principles. ~ Patrick Henry

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Do not comply.

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