THANK YOU Peter Navarro

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Good 😊 Morning 🌄 Mr Navarro. Interesting commentary. Appreciate your penning a coherent editorial explaining profit taking in a rigged monitary system. How about Black rock™ and their ai trading back and forth to accentuate the shorts and hold the illusion of liquidity? How might this be addressed in the future legislation to prevent this type of central banking intrusion into our Republic Ever again? Thank you, Brian

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Here's what some of my economic indicators are showing. Friend has a business that targets disposable income of his clients. Business down 60% 2023. Church has a Christmas tree in the narthex with tags on it, tags have different age groups of children which people take and buy a gift that is in turn handed out with weekly food distribution at Christmas, down 90%. Dine in restaurants locally seeing a drop in diners 2023. Neighbor across the street during and after the plandemic ordered food delivered almost everyday. Notice that has almost stopped. Things ain't up to what old Joe and the Kamel are saying.

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Thank you Prof Navarro i always follow and appreciate your market comments but I’m very simple man, legal emigrant during the as I call magnificent time of Ronaldus Maximus presidency, I’m questioning the “ real value”! to our portfolios even if S&P 500 unexpected high gain because of crushing inflation numbers ?!? and de-value of dollar.

I would love to see You address this perhaps next time because nobody ( at list I know ) making any connection., we who fully respect YOUR opinions Peter would like to know your take. Happy New year God Bless

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Happy new year Dr Navarro.

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This is very useful and clear. Thank you (from passive investor).

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