Great ideas. Either do a fair debate at an unbiased location (or a conservative location) or refuse to debate. Never give Fox viewership numbers they don’t deserve.

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DJT will not dignify: RNC, "candidates", Murdoch, Fox, "moderators" etc. with his presence.

Rally with brief townhall attendee questions AT THE SAME TIME. Show 'em what power is.

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Keep the poll going. Never ever trust Fox again, or RNC. They are all poison.

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Amen and Hallelujah, Navarro!

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No amen here. Still think Trump should hold a rally in Milwaukee the same night and time as the debate.

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Great commentary/advice Dr. Navarro. Hoping Trump will listen to you. It seems he still isn't surrounding himself with truth-tellers.

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Your last collection of ideas from your poll is the way forward.

Do not play the uniparty's games.

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I don’t trust fox news on the radio, don’t have tv service gave it up 4-5 years ago because the people on the view were snarky “b’s” couldn’t stand hearing their voices and everything was so one sided.

Both sides are saying the exact same thing about each other. Accidentally pressed the wrong button in your poll question number 1.

Debates should be at neutral locations and hosted by nonpartisan moderators, if that’s even possible anymore. The only thing any news organization should provide is the cameras and those necessary to operate them. I don’t want tv commentary opinions I can decide for myself based on the answers from the candidates.

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UNITE WITH GOD AND BROTHERS AND SISTER WARRIORS FOR CHRIST ,,,, [9] Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God. [10] Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. [11] Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.

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The one comment I will make to this post is, while I agree with everything you said Peter, please do not call Ron DeSantis "DeSanctimonious". I cringe whenever Trump says it. I think it makes Trump look weak and small. And this is coming from someone who is a huge Trump supporter. Ron is a good man. We are all conservatives trying to save America from the Marxist party. Please, do not use that word, and when you talk to Trump please pass this along. I am not the only one who feels this way. There are millions of us.

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There is another idea I had while Christina Bobb was on my Action Radio show, and that is where Donald Trump and Robert Kennedy do an open discussion of the issues together on stage on any other network, while the GOP Goobers are "debating." They don't even need questions, just suggest topics and let them talk! Please get yours and their campaign talking about this. If you get in touch I can give you details of some things possibly already in the works. Here's the Christina Bobb interview again. It starts the third hour, and RFK comes up about 10 minutes in. Thank you Peter. Please contact me for details.


Greg Penglis

Creator and Host of the Action Radio Citizen Legislature

Greg@WriteYourLaws.com - Public email

WriteYourLaws.com - Bill site

BlogTalkRadio.com/citizenaction - show site

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F@#% THAT!!! & F@#$ them all!


If you don't support our President, Donald J. Trump, you are either a brainwashed fool, or a member of the ungodly evil that has consumed the government, federal, state, and local. Christian Patriots must unite to defeat the corrupt evil that is the Uniparty, Democrat and RINO/DID (Democrats In Disguise).

GIVE NO credibility to ANY of the Uniparty, Non America First, Non MAGA! They are traitors to our heritage and our Judeo-Christian foundation!

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I believe Dr. Navarro's analysis of why President Trump should not debate on Fox is comprehensive! I can't add a single point.

So, President Trump, please hold a MAGA mega rally the same time as Fox's GOP debate. I'll be watching you!!

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Both of your ideas are good ones. I really like the idea of a debate at an unbiased location with questions from the attendees and a FAIR moderator.

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Amen, hallelujah‼️

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Amen and hallelujah. This is how the debates should be done!

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