You know the dems are already printing ballots in Georgia and Pennsylvania. Cheating is how they win. There is no other way. And those voting machines are accessible from their private network. Easy to change results.

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2000 Mules shows how they did it. Drop and Roll

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Unless the laws have been changed, the election is over. Biden will win.

You cannot even "prove" fraud if the voter registration rolls are compromised. Combine that with unsolicited mail in ballots, no ID, same day voter registration, loose signature matching, thousands of illegals being herded by left wing agitprop groups who will hand them ballots to fill out and give to their army of ACORN alumni ballot harvetsers, who, oh by the way, have weeks to ballot harvest, topped off by the coup de gras insult to injury of most of these people being funneled laundered taxpayer money.

This idea that Republicans can ballot harvest themselves is absurd. What, rural Iowa farmers? The Dems control the densely populated urban areas in each key swing state. Any attempt to infiltrate that will be met by hostile media accusing the RNC of cheating.

The election will be stolen as it was in 2020. And, as in 2020, no judge will take on any voter fraud case because the combination of laws the Dems have set up have effectively LEGALIZED fraud. There's nothing to "prove".

Until voter ID, regular voter roll clean up, and same day paper balloting is mandated with few exceptions, the idea of elections is an illusion.

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Great article! I hope the new RNC leadership is aware of all of the shenanigans these corrupt counties and SoS have been perpetrating on our sovereign rights to vote and have our votes counted. I sat and watched as ruby and her daughter ran a stack of ballots through a scanner over and over again. It’s clearly on video. But governor kemp either has tds or has been intimidated by someone. I just remember that during 2020 he announced a recount and 2 days later his daughter’s boyfriend was dead. A few months ago he announced 17,000+ fraudulent votes for 2020 and there would be a meeting in a few days. The next day he said the meeting was off. These of course could be coincidental but how many coincidences before it’s not.

We’re all tired and battle weary. We’ve seen criminals in the DOJ and judiciary persecute Peter and Donald Trump and so many others like Rudy and Mike. We’re angry and want justice returned to our country through the rule of law! But there will be no Texas Ranger riding in on a white horse saving us from these criminals. The military brass is so compromised we can’t trust that they will stop this madness. My only hope is the new evidence found in a dominion discovery box, a letter from a Serbian programmer saying he’s scared of being found out for changing the data in the machines so biden would win, gets to have eyes on by SCOTUS in the Kari Lake case from Arizona. I do know this, prayer Always works. And if everyone of you would pray for Jesus to put his hand on this country and open the eyes of all that still deny the criminality of these people trying to destroy America, we will be saved. Sorry this is long winded but I guess I had a few things bugging me. Please pray! It really works. God bless y’all!

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yes, without a doubt this is true in Arizona. I have a voters card the DMV labled me PND, party not ??? they said at the polling booth after verifying who I am, a provisional ballot would suffice. I called today and it is not counted and they are still counting primary votes. Tomorrow marks a week. Wondering who to call. I told the RNC I'd never give money as long as Ronna was there; that's a start.

In Polk County Texas, they knew exactly where our votes were.

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The GOP are weak. Jim Jordan, on 60 Minutes, refused to say that 2020 was stolen. That awful host,Leslie, took over that entire discussion. Jim looked weak. What is wrong with stating the truth? Why are these GOP leaders so spineless? If they don’t step up we will lose again. Do they even care, or are they just playing a Uniparty game.

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Hakeem Jeffries will be speaker if Rinos keep leaving!!!

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Maybe announcing that if Trump becomes POTUS all people who voted illegally who were not US citizens will be deported first and immediately as criminals. Could change some thinking.

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80% of the "why" of election interference was obscured in your report. Without all the "facts" you are sadly, confusing those still unaware of the real reasons, going back 60+ years. Valiant effort but you've fallen way, way short of the whole Truth.

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