In the book that is entitled "The Psychology of Totalitarianism, The scientist and Clinical Psychologist Mattias Desmet describes the process by which the Democratic Party has morphed into an enemy of the American people. This by mistaking various "complex" physical systems for "non-complex" physical systems in building models of these systems, where a "complex" physical system exhibits one or more "emergent properties, each of which is a property of the whole system and not of the separate parts of this system whereas a "non-complex" exhibits no such properties. Amongst the consequences is for Democratic Party politicians to embrace what Desmet calls a "mechanistic-materialistic world view that is inconsistent with the physical world which we inhabit. These politicians seek to fool Americans into thinking that they inhabit a mechanistic-materialistic world by lying about it.
Add Steve Bannon to the list who get "the law" whilst Leftists who did the exact same thing (blowing off a Congressional subpoena) skate by with nary a wrist slap.
The message sent by this two tiered administration of justice is clear. We are in charge and there is nothing that you can do about it, so stop trying and get with the program.
They want every MAGA patriot muzzled. This is insanity. How did we get here? In three 1/2 years we are now a Banana Republic?
Hope PETER NAVARRO,,STEVE BANNON & TRUMP SUE THE HELL OUT OF THESE CRIMINALS. The justice dept is a criminal,corrupt operation. Disbar these radical judges ,prosecutors & AG’s & indict them for seditious conspiracy charges.
And today we add Steve Bannon to the list of those who, just like Peter Navarro, will have to go to prison for 4 months before he can appeal. Report July 1st so he will be out of the picture until November just before the election. And like Navarro he is guilty of nothing valid.
The Covid-19 vaccines could have long-term negative implications to the human race. Florida’s Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo in January called for a halt to the shots for this very real possibility. In a Tucker Carlson interview, he said, “The vaccines have DNA in them… and that’s not necessarily a big deal, but it’s a problem with these vaccines because the DNA hangs on with the mRNA and goes into people’s cells. … So, this is a completely different risk analysis than other products that have had DNA. … These vaccines are the antichrist of all products.”…
What Trump s accused of wasn’t a felony, the whole.e trial was one big sham just to try and stop Trump from running for President.
It shows what pathetic cheats the Lefties are!
This anti-Democrat shirt is perfect for November 👇 🤣
We are praying for you, President Trump and our country. USA ❤️❤️❤️
Praying for President Trump, Peter Navarro, Steve Bannon and our once great country.
Already ordered it and a few for friends! Supporting Steve Bannon and Dr. Navarro proudly! Patriots!
In the book that is entitled "The Psychology of Totalitarianism, The scientist and Clinical Psychologist Mattias Desmet describes the process by which the Democratic Party has morphed into an enemy of the American people. This by mistaking various "complex" physical systems for "non-complex" physical systems in building models of these systems, where a "complex" physical system exhibits one or more "emergent properties, each of which is a property of the whole system and not of the separate parts of this system whereas a "non-complex" exhibits no such properties. Amongst the consequences is for Democratic Party politicians to embrace what Desmet calls a "mechanistic-materialistic world view that is inconsistent with the physical world which we inhabit. These politicians seek to fool Americans into thinking that they inhabit a mechanistic-materialistic world by lying about it.
Terry Oldberg
Engineer/Scientist/Public Policy Researcher
Los Altos Hills, CA
Right. Peter Navarro and Donald Trump are amongst the Demonicrats' many victims.
And Bannon has to go to jail. What the heck is this now? What a scam justice system.
Outrageous - and we are stuck with a cadaver brain puppet running our country
You mean the resident?
you misspelled "ruining"
Add Steve Bannon to the list who get "the law" whilst Leftists who did the exact same thing (blowing off a Congressional subpoena) skate by with nary a wrist slap.
The message sent by this two tiered administration of justice is clear. We are in charge and there is nothing that you can do about it, so stop trying and get with the program.
So what can we do besides "standing idly by"?
They want every MAGA patriot muzzled. This is insanity. How did we get here? In three 1/2 years we are now a Banana Republic?
Hope PETER NAVARRO,,STEVE BANNON & TRUMP SUE THE HELL OUT OF THESE CRIMINALS. The justice dept is a criminal,corrupt operation. Disbar these radical judges ,prosecutors & AG’s & indict them for seditious conspiracy charges.
Yes the House has the purse strings… defund the DOJ until they stop this lawfare! The republicans need to issue subpoenas not strong letters! NOW!!’
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And today we add Steve Bannon to the list of those who, just like Peter Navarro, will have to go to prison for 4 months before he can appeal. Report July 1st so he will be out of the picture until November just before the election. And like Navarro he is guilty of nothing valid.
The Covid-19 vaccines could have long-term negative implications to the human race. Florida’s Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo in January called for a halt to the shots for this very real possibility. In a Tucker Carlson interview, he said, “The vaccines have DNA in them… and that’s not necessarily a big deal, but it’s a problem with these vaccines because the DNA hangs on with the mRNA and goes into people’s cells. … So, this is a completely different risk analysis than other products that have had DNA. … These vaccines are the antichrist of all products.”…
Enjoying reading Red Moon Rising by Greg Autry and Peter Navarro. Critical insight on battle for Space Superiority between US and China China China
… and today, Steve Bannon goes to jail!? Silencing the Republican leader via jail time?
Is that today?
I’ve ordered the signed copy of Peter’s new book
Is there a way to read it via text since I’ve already paid for it ahead of the July date??I won’t share it I just want to read it!
Dark days in America…Hold the line🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸