From Joe Biden’s Basement to Kamala Harris’ Potemkin Village
Like Throwing Battery Acid on the Constitution
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From Joe Biden’s Basement to Kamala Harris’ Potemkin Village
Kamala Harris is running a nearly flawless Potemkin Village campaign. As she traffics in illusions and lies, she is savaging America’s electoral process while setting this nation up for a likely economic collapse, possible world war, and certain socialist coup.
Does anyone now doubt Joe Biden was Harris’ front man and fall guy in her Potemkin Village scheme to deprive voters of the vetting that traditionally occurs in a primary election?
As Harris’ front man, Biden cleared the primary field. The Democrats thus avoided any public washing of their radical policy linen that would have otherwise been hung up for voters to recoil at.
When fall guy Biden inevitably fell, the “lean and hungry look” Harris was the biggest beneficiary. If forced into a contested primary, Harris would have easily taken the favored pole position as the most radical in the bunch. Yet, likewise forced to reiterate her radical positions, she would have been left without the ability to now run her flip-flopping, Potemkin Village con.
For those unfamiliar with the Potemkin analogy, in the 18th century, Russian Field Marshall Grigory Potemkin put prosperous facades on impoverished peasant villages along the banks of the Dnieper River. With this illusion, he sought to deceive Catherine the Great during her visit to this newly conquered land.
Today, Kamala and her own field marshals are seeking to create the illusion that America is doing just fine. Whatever doubts anyone might have will be erased with a Harris Plan. Yet, that plan pays far more homage to the Wizard of Oz than any thoughtfully detailed policy platform.
To spread her Potemkin illusions, Harris now flits from artificially packed arena to arena while studiously dodging even the friendliest of press. Harris’ primary weapons in her hermetically sealed disinformation war are a teleprompter, which she reads like a CNN pro, and poll-driven messaging, which she delivers as convincingly as any con artist or sociopath.
Harris’ slogan “we’re not going back” ranks at the top of her Potemkin pyramid. Americans would love to go back to the days of Donald Trump’s presidency when they were safe, secure and prosperous. Yet Harris still mouths this slogan to paradoxically position herself as “the change candidate” when EVERYTHING that needs to be changed has been Harris’ own fault.
In her poll-driven messaging, Harris calls for unity and an end to divisive rhetoric. In the same breath, she savages Donald Trump. As the Hillary of her time, Harris dismisses Trump’s deplorable followers as deplorable savages.
Harris likewise promises to dramatically increase the number of border patrol agents. She’s betting voters will forget she refused to accept her role as Joe Biden’s border czar and likened Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents to the Ku Klux Klan.
Harris not only says she owns a gun but will bust a cap in anybody that breaks into her mansion. She’s certain we will all forget Harris’ support for mandatory gun buybacks and other desecrations of the Second Amendment.
Harris assures us she has a plan to control inflation, lower mortgage rates, and increase home ownership. It’s the most jarring of Potemkin facades as Harris herself started the inflation ball rolling with her tie-breaking votes in the Senate on two of the biggest budget-busting, inflationary bills in our nation’s history – never mind Harris’ full-throated support of a failed Bidenomics.
Harris revels in beating Trump with the cudgel of Project Twenty Something. She knows Trump had NOTHING to do with it and has repeatedly disavowed it. Yet, as she channels “say it enough they’ll believe it” Goebbels, she says it anyway – without the hint or threat of a fact check by fact-checkers like Politifact and the Washington Post that ritually hound Trump.
As Gaza and Beirut burn and Red China-supplied Iranian rockets glare, Harris likewise assures us she is a friend of Israel, hoping we’ll forget her snub of Netanyahu and her threats to deny Israel the weapons it needs to keep the dogs of Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis at bay. No antisemitism to see here as Harris refuses to condemn the Palestinian protestors shutting down our streets and schools and defacing our statutes.
Fully informed voters know it’s all a pack of lies. Yet, Harris’ Potemkin Village campaign is working enough with low-information voters to move the presidential election into a dead heat rather than the Trump landslide that would otherwise result if the radical Harris agenda had been properly vetted by voters in a primary election.
The legacy media is fully complicit. Kamala co-conspirators include ABC’s David Muir, Lindsey Davis, and Jon Karl: Bloomberg’s Jonathan Capehart and Michael Bloomberg himself; CBS’s John Dickerson and Margaret Brennan; CNN’s Brianna Kellar, Jake Tapper, and Chris Wallace; Whoopi Goldberg and The View; MSNBC’s Morning Joe and Mika, Rachel Maddow, Joy Reid, and Ali Velshi; PBS’ Judy Woodruff; and leftist comedians Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert, and Bill Maher.
Each of these elites intentionally ignored the cognitive decline of Joe Biden and the inevitability of his replacement. Collectively, they now see and hear no evil – shame on you Oprah -- as Harris plays out her Potemkin Village gambit and dodges each of them. And let’s always remember here it was ABC’s matador George Stephanopoulos who drove home the “estocada,” the final thrust of the sword to kill the Joe Biden bull.
Will the first American legacy media reporter willing to expose Kamala Harris and her Potemkin Village illusions please turn the lights of democracy back on? And please do it before Election Day, if not for Trump, then for our Founding Fathers.
Peter Navarro served as trade and manufacturing czar in the Trump White House and is the author of The New MAGA Deal: The Unofficial Deplorables Guide to Donald Trump’s 2024 Platform. Find him at
I am coming increasingly closer to the certainty that a Harris presidency is simply unacceptable. a non-starter to be resisted by any and all means. Certainly this must be a dawning realization to anyone who values and loves our Constitutional Republic. Which is given certainty by the growing chorus on the left that our beloved and sacred Constitution is not only "archaic" but is actually "dangerous." Dangerous? Not to anyone who loves liberty and America. But a true danger to the authoritarian leftists who hate it and the country it created.
Re the poll: "The Democrats planned all along for Biden to drop out at the last minute and be replaced by Harris." I have a hard time believing that they planned this all along. I think they were hoping Biden could limp along to the election and be re-elected. So whatever plans they were trying to come up with was poorly thought out. I think there were competing factions in the demonrat party who wanted others to be the president and vice president candidates. But, waiting until the Biden /Trump debate (which was held too early for a debate) to see that Biden was too far gone. They already had their primary which Biden had won. He is still the pResident. Too late to 25th amendment Biden, have Harris fill out the term and have her compete against others in a primary.
The demonrat party is even putting up signs saying: "Vote Democrat, Democrats Vote For You!" The lack of self awareness in that statement is epic. They indeed ignored the winner of their primary and installed Harris as the candidate. The election fraud we have all witnessed in most recent elections amounts to the same thing.
The cabals could not settle on Newsom, or Hillary, or Michelle Obama or any number of of others who could have run. So, they painted themselves into a corner, stuck with Harris who no one voted for and her, who owns the Biden legacy of failure and destruction, and her hand picked running mate Walz. Walz a CCP loving, stolen valor, abortions til birth then let the infants die on the table, weirdo. So the media propagandists decide to try to call Trumps running mate, Vance, weird, steal Trumps home work, have a rigged debate, Blame Trump for everything the Biden Harris regime have done to the country. And . . . just flat out lie about everything else.
So back to the Poll: I can't disagree or agree, and there are plenty of conspiracies here, but no coincidences. Now they just gotta dance with the "lady" they brought to the party.
The Potemkin Villages they are erecting along the denial river are made of a glamour = word magic spells which don't hold up well against the villagers who see their jobs vanishing, their costs of living skyrocketing, the barbarians at their gates brought in by the Biden Harris regime, and the betrayal of the media bards and stenographers to report on what is really befalling the villages.