I am coming increasingly closer to the certainty that a Harris presidency is simply unacceptable. a non-starter to be resisted by any and all means. Certainly this must be a dawning realization to anyone who values and loves our Constitutional Republic. Which is given certainty by the growing chorus on the left that our beloved and sacred Constitution is not only "archaic" but is actually "dangerous." Dangerous? Not to anyone who loves liberty and America. But a true danger to the authoritarian leftists who hate it and the country it created.
Re the poll: "The Democrats planned all along for Biden to drop out at the last minute and be replaced by Harris." I have a hard time believing that they planned this all along. I think they were hoping Biden could limp along to the election and be re-elected. So whatever plans they were trying to come up with was poorly thought out. I think there were competing factions in the demonrat party who wanted others to be the president and vice president candidates. But, waiting until the Biden /Trump debate (which was held too early for a debate) to see that Biden was too far gone. They already had their primary which Biden had won. He is still the pResident. Too late to 25th amendment Biden, have Harris fill out the term and have her compete against others in a primary.
The demonrat party is even putting up signs saying: "Vote Democrat, Democrats Vote For You!" The lack of self awareness in that statement is epic. They indeed ignored the winner of their primary and installed Harris as the candidate. The election fraud we have all witnessed in most recent elections amounts to the same thing.
The cabals could not settle on Newsom, or Hillary, or Michelle Obama or any number of of others who could have run. So, they painted themselves into a corner, stuck with Harris who no one voted for and her, who owns the Biden legacy of failure and destruction, and her hand picked running mate Walz. Walz a CCP loving, stolen valor, abortions til birth then let the infants die on the table, weirdo. So the media propagandists decide to try to call Trumps running mate, Vance, weird, steal Trumps home work, have a rigged debate, Blame Trump for everything the Biden Harris regime have done to the country. And . . . just flat out lie about everything else.
So back to the Poll: I can't disagree or agree, and there are plenty of conspiracies here, but no coincidences. Now they just gotta dance with the "lady" they brought to the party.
The Potemkin Villages they are erecting along the denial river are made of a glamour = word magic spells which don't hold up well against the villagers who see their jobs vanishing, their costs of living skyrocketing, the barbarians at their gates brought in by the Biden Harris regime, and the betrayal of the media bards and stenographers to report on what is really befalling the villages.
The seminal moment was the debate with DJT. That was when the bloom was off the rose. Biden had core support in midwest blue collar white voters. Deep support. Support that Harris does NOT have.
They looked at Biden as someone with whom they were very familiar; someone like their cousin or brother in law who was the union rep for them at their job. "Yeah, cousin Bob is corrupt, but he always gets us what we need, and he's a fun guy at a party.". That's how they view Biden.
Harris? Not so much. This core demographic is going to sit home this time, as they feel betrayed by their party when they installed Harris and did their candidate dirty. After the debate with Trump, the upper tier and the donor class went into panic mode. They unilaterally decided to shitcan Biden, thinking that his support base would automatically shift to Harris. They chose poorly, and the results are there for all to see. This wasn't planned at all, it was panic and desperation.
People give too much credit to the Democrat Party and their operatives. They are arrogant, and think people will automatically do what they are told. Most will, but there are who some will not, especially when they feel affronted, and political contests are won on the margins. Trump is going to beat Harris like a drum. Down ballot, not so much unless the standard Republican candidate adopts a more Trumpian outlook and message.
Voted for Trump everytime since he is most suited period Remove the WEAPONIZED press Smith/ Mundt Act NDAA FISA DARPA AI runs the narratives global one world pysop which continually erodes public trust which is the third rail of any communications agency RETURN TO ORDER 🙏🙏🙏
Potemkin Village is a good analogy. She is a good actress as I told my wife during the ten minutes I watched the debate. Said she had her stuff memorized well, that the pros behind her did their job well.
I am coming increasingly closer to the certainty that a Harris presidency is simply unacceptable. a non-starter to be resisted by any and all means. Certainly this must be a dawning realization to anyone who values and loves our Constitutional Republic. Which is given certainty by the growing chorus on the left that our beloved and sacred Constitution is not only "archaic" but is actually "dangerous." Dangerous? Not to anyone who loves liberty and America. But a true danger to the authoritarian leftists who hate it and the country it created.
Re the poll: "The Democrats planned all along for Biden to drop out at the last minute and be replaced by Harris." I have a hard time believing that they planned this all along. I think they were hoping Biden could limp along to the election and be re-elected. So whatever plans they were trying to come up with was poorly thought out. I think there were competing factions in the demonrat party who wanted others to be the president and vice president candidates. But, waiting until the Biden /Trump debate (which was held too early for a debate) to see that Biden was too far gone. They already had their primary which Biden had won. He is still the pResident. Too late to 25th amendment Biden, have Harris fill out the term and have her compete against others in a primary.
The demonrat party is even putting up signs saying: "Vote Democrat, Democrats Vote For You!" The lack of self awareness in that statement is epic. They indeed ignored the winner of their primary and installed Harris as the candidate. The election fraud we have all witnessed in most recent elections amounts to the same thing.
The cabals could not settle on Newsom, or Hillary, or Michelle Obama or any number of of others who could have run. So, they painted themselves into a corner, stuck with Harris who no one voted for and her, who owns the Biden legacy of failure and destruction, and her hand picked running mate Walz. Walz a CCP loving, stolen valor, abortions til birth then let the infants die on the table, weirdo. So the media propagandists decide to try to call Trumps running mate, Vance, weird, steal Trumps home work, have a rigged debate, Blame Trump for everything the Biden Harris regime have done to the country. And . . . just flat out lie about everything else.
So back to the Poll: I can't disagree or agree, and there are plenty of conspiracies here, but no coincidences. Now they just gotta dance with the "lady" they brought to the party.
The Potemkin Villages they are erecting along the denial river are made of a glamour = word magic spells which don't hold up well against the villagers who see their jobs vanishing, their costs of living skyrocketing, the barbarians at their gates brought in by the Biden Harris regime, and the betrayal of the media bards and stenographers to report on what is really befalling the villages.
Even her townhall with Oprah had a teleprompter.
The seminal moment was the debate with DJT. That was when the bloom was off the rose. Biden had core support in midwest blue collar white voters. Deep support. Support that Harris does NOT have.
They looked at Biden as someone with whom they were very familiar; someone like their cousin or brother in law who was the union rep for them at their job. "Yeah, cousin Bob is corrupt, but he always gets us what we need, and he's a fun guy at a party.". That's how they view Biden.
Harris? Not so much. This core demographic is going to sit home this time, as they feel betrayed by their party when they installed Harris and did their candidate dirty. After the debate with Trump, the upper tier and the donor class went into panic mode. They unilaterally decided to shitcan Biden, thinking that his support base would automatically shift to Harris. They chose poorly, and the results are there for all to see. This wasn't planned at all, it was panic and desperation.
People give too much credit to the Democrat Party and their operatives. They are arrogant, and think people will automatically do what they are told. Most will, but there are who some will not, especially when they feel affronted, and political contests are won on the margins. Trump is going to beat Harris like a drum. Down ballot, not so much unless the standard Republican candidate adopts a more Trumpian outlook and message.
Voted for Trump everytime since he is most suited period Remove the WEAPONIZED press Smith/ Mundt Act NDAA FISA DARPA AI runs the narratives global one world pysop which continually erodes public trust which is the third rail of any communications agency RETURN TO ORDER 🙏🙏🙏
Potemkin Village is a good analogy. She is a good actress as I told my wife during the ten minutes I watched the debate. Said she had her stuff memorized well, that the pros behind her did their job well.
Capital research center.com search DARPA AI NDAA FISA
UNHRC AGREEMENT APPOINTS HILLARY CLINTON MADAME PRESIDENT UNDER constitutional crisis being orchestrated all around us Harris is a decoy
Democrats ain’t that smart …they’re just falling on their sword.
Spot on!
You, like Stephen K Bannon, have tremendous knowledge to draw on
plus the innate ability to see through the keyhole! All of which helps those of us who are seeking the inner workings.
Thank you for being you and loving our people of our great country. 🇺🇸
Influencewatch.org search DARPA AI
Dear Peter:
I'm unclear on how I can distribute this masterpiece of yours to my network. Please help!
Terry Oldberg
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