I was talking to my younger daughter about the merits of JD and she spouted back the line that JD opposes abortion, even in the case of rape or incest. I don't believe that is the case but that is the sort of media litany that we have to expose. The majority of the country appear to prefer reasonable limits on abortion. It is not a hill we should keep dying on..

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Women need to get smarter about preventing pregnancy. There are so many more options out there than there was when I was growing up.

Unfortunately, the majority of the responsibility is on the woman's shoulders to prevent pregnancy.

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Let's also remember that women make up at least 50% of the voters in states that have restricted abortion. The notion that this is some sort of misogynistic, patriarchal conspiracy is utter nonsense.

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I can't understand why women are so intent on murdering their babies.

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I sure Kamala can explain everything......

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...in her word salad way of speaking.

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Coming of age in the early 1970s era of "free love" the best advice I was given: Never put a women in the position to have to make the choice of having an abortion. Wear condoms, which also help prevent spread of STDs.

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Trump needs to keep repeating no tax on overtime and no tax on tips, when I was at CVS getting my Rx several times I have heard the pharmacist tell his coworkers enthusiastically if they vote for Trump so he must work a lot of overtime, I also know no tax on tips is very popular especially for waitresses who get paid very low wages but depend on the tips to equal out the difference. I didn’t get to watch the debate because I live 50 miles from Asheville NC so no power/internet but I was a fan of Vance before he was chosen for VP.

Very sorry about Steve Bannon

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Walz looked like a deer in the headlights when he wasn't playing the buffoon. Vance was a confident, impressive, sharp contrast. Last night I saw Mrs. Walz leading a pep rally cheer at a campaign event. It was cringe worthy. The Walz's are in no way ready for the big league. Kamala must be a fan of high school Friday night football to have picked this pair. She doesn't have to worry Walz will outshine her. How low can you go?

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They can go even lower.

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I picked "Rose" in the poll because I already had a very good opinion about Vance.

He did change the tide of opinion in the debate toward the red, But I think the bigger shift was done by Harris with her response and lack of action following Hurricane Helene along with her statement that she was sending $170 million in relief aid to Lebanon demonstrated her tone deafness. a very bad trait in a politician. Then, her lie that FL Governor DeSantis wouldn't return her calls as Milton bore down on the Florida coast truly showed her to be someone who deflects blame and accountability, thereby totally unsuitable to hold the office where "the buck stops here".

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I totally agree.

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I voted “rose”, because as a hillbilly myself, albeit with a very different family history, I have great respect for those of this culture in terms of native intelligence. JD Vance along with many others, given the opportunity, will over perform the stereotype by orders of magnitude. For another example see Rocket boy, Homer Hickham and several past Presidents!

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I attend a session each week about daily matters at our community college, “class for us oldsters.” I am one of two conservatives among about 22-24 liberals. Vance to them just lied and lied and Walz was just being picked on. Walz’s false answers were not as bad as Vance’s “slick” answers and to them he presented a more ‘friendly’ choice. They don’t believe a word of “Hillbilly Eligy”. I pinch these people when they get off base, but there is absolutely no changing of their minds. Its Democrats all the way. Oh, and its wonderful that the Kamal has no specific solutions because she has to wait until she gets out from under the Biden influence.

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I also chose "rose" in the poll, as JD Vance was my top pick from all the usual also rans being offered at the time. Tim Scott? Rubio? Haley? Really? The same old same old neocon idiots already bought and paid for by the establishment Republican donor class. Trump wouldn't have survived 6 months in office had he chosen one of them, and he would have been hamstrung by the same so called consultants that they brought with them if he had. It's bad enough that Susie Wiles and Chris LaCivita are still around in the Trump campaign, as they were both pushing the neo con agenda, as they are both swamp critters of the highest order. They need to go.

The turning point was Butler. After that, Trump knew that there was no deal to be had with the Deep State. They were going to continue to try and eliminate him, one way or another. That was when he announced that JD Vance was his running mate. It was a message to the Deep State that "Fight's on!" The invitation of RFK Jr. as an advisor with the promise of a position in the next Trump Administration was another shot across the bow of the establishment Republicans, the donor class, and their allies in the Deep State.

The selection of JD Vance did a few things. It told his enemies that he wasn't going to be intimidated; it appealed to the younger blue collar voters, which any of the other establishment candidates would never have done, and it acted as an insurance policy for Trump.

Trump's appeal to RFK Jr. was also decisive, as it brought 60% of his supporters who were Independents who leaned Democrat to the Trump cause. It opened up issues that most establishment Republicans have ignored, such as medical freedom, food freedom, financial freedom, and political freedom. Each of these is off the charts popular with the Millennial and Zoomer generations, as they are the one's most affected by childhood vaccine schedules and the DeathVaxx mandates pushed by big Pharma; the corporate poison being pushed as food from big Ag; the suppression of alternative currencies such as Bitcoin and precious metals by big Finance, and the domination of the political landscape by the billionaire donor class.

All of these issues resonated with the younger working class generations, especially those in minority communities, particularly when coupled with the Trump policies on the economy, immigration, and war. The combination of these policies are why Donald J. Trump is leading overwhelmingly in the polls, especially in the better polling being done by Rich Baris and Rasmussen.

Trump is going to beat Harris like a drum, and the squeals will be heard around the world. The danger point will be after the election, as the Democrats are well known for their violent proclivities when they feel that they have been "cheated", and they have imported an army of criminals to disrupt society. Remember the old Chinese curse, "May you live in interesting times". I would say that we indeed do.

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Should have had a “did exactly what I expected of him” poll option.

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Your just a brillant man who was brave and strong enough to go to prison for all of us. I would like to help you when you're back in the White House. Please take me up on this.

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Vance is a terrific asset for Trump. He is intelligent, quick & great under pressure.

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Democrat politicians had two big opportunities to craft an abortion bill that aligns with their objectives. Once was under Obama administration and the first two years of Biden administration. Justice RGB warned democrats that Roe was not solid law. Democrats want the issue, not their solution.

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