Harris was “strategically selected & placed” by the Puppet Masters of WEF’ Anti-America Cult Billionaires such as George Soros who has hundreds of Political Action Committees; Progressive Org.’s; FarLeft Radical Org.s; Climate Change Org.s; Democratic’ Radicalized PsyOp Counter-Culture Org.s; Black Radicalized Anti-American Society Agenda Org.s
Other WEF Members who are puppets who serve Klaus Schwab, Soros, Rockefeller’s, Rothschild’s, Yuval Harari & others who have one goal: Destroy America & Implement Their One World Order, One Global Governance to control humanity. Joe & Hunter Biden, Obama’s, Bush’s, Clinton’s & other American traitors are members of The World Economic Forum.
Kamala Harris was selected to help carry out their mission to Destroy America, Demoralizing our society; pushing Gender Transition into little children (altering the genitalia of little girls and little boys at age 9), Using PsyOp for indoctrination of our youth to push Socialism/Communism/Marxism and Anti-America ideologies, Open Borders to invade our country with gangs, drug cartels, human trafficking, child trafficking and bringing in militias from CCP, Middle East Terrorists Countries, Venezuela, Africa etc.
We are being attacked & make no mistake: Kamala Harris is finishing Obama’s, Biden’s, Clinton’s & Bush’s Destruction of America 🇺🇸
You are Spot On! Hmmm 🤔 I seem to remember that Hillary Rodham [Clinton] wrote a 92-page, Pre-Graduate Thesis about Saul Alinsky, author of “Rules For Radicals.” Alinsky dedicated his book “To Lucifer …”
When Bill was campaigning for Presidency the HRC Wellesley’s Thesis was blocked by The Clinton’s from public view. The book gives a clear description about how to destroy a nation.
Drop the ‘a’ off the end of her name and you have kamal (camel) which are notorious for spitting in a person’s face if you stand to close in front of them. Kamal will do more than just spit in our faces if she gets in.
IMO, she will not win, regardless of what the most of the polls say. I'll stick by polling done by Rich Baris, the best pollster out there. The danger is that the "R"'s down ballot do not have the same support that President Trump has, not even close. Unless they wake up and embrace the Trump agenda fully, they will lose, possibly flipping the House to "D" and hamstringing the Trump program.
As far as Harris winning, should she do so I really don't think that she will last long. The CCP will remove her by hook or crook-or Crooks-to place their man Walz on the seat of power. Adam Molon's reporting all but confirms this. That is the main danger of this ticket.
See conversation between Chris Williamson of Modern Wisdom And Eric Weinsten where he points out that Harris is not stupid, likely IQ 130 +/- and capable of manipulation and dissimulation (dissembling). Clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vLbo5ZQggIs
1) The entire Harris/Walz relationship is kayfabe. He is her controller. No one becomes the Governor of Minnesota who is really the chuckle head he has played as "sidekick" to Kamala Harris in the campaign so far.
2) Harris' father calling her a travesty is to hide the fact that Harris is spouting classic commie reset rhetoric (Being unburdened by what has been).
3) Walz shook his wife's hand on stage when he was appointed VP candidate (no hug?).
5) Our speculation: Walz is the type of gay male who hates women (meaning he could be an actual monster able to do what the left needs done). See his history as Governor.
6) If Biden is Article 25th'd very close to election (or if he dies), then Harris is defacto POTUS and Walz can be inserted as "actual" VP. He is more doctrinaire than she is and can be counted on to control the agenda. He will have no qualms about any drastic action against anyone. The controllers will have their assassin, not only of Harris, but of America. the program will be to the left of Mao.
This is beyond the ordinary. Not sure if average people, especially Americans can conceive of the horrors that can follow. Whatever can go wrong can be actualized.
Having a high IQ doesn't correlate very well with being actually smart (the ability to see cause and effect) or success. In Harris's case she used that IQ only to advance herself (along with being willing to sleep with Willie Brown and others).
True, that. Look at people like Albert Einstein. He had a very high IQ but was absent minded about appointments and socially awkward. (I had a cousin from my older than me family who knew him). Harris has certainly used her self serving cunning to "fail upwards" and look where she is now. She could actually become the next President because she would willingly be a mouth piece for those that really run the show.
Harris was “strategically selected & placed” by the Puppet Masters of WEF’ Anti-America Cult Billionaires such as George Soros who has hundreds of Political Action Committees; Progressive Org.’s; FarLeft Radical Org.s; Climate Change Org.s; Democratic’ Radicalized PsyOp Counter-Culture Org.s; Black Radicalized Anti-American Society Agenda Org.s
Other WEF Members who are puppets who serve Klaus Schwab, Soros, Rockefeller’s, Rothschild’s, Yuval Harari & others who have one goal: Destroy America & Implement Their One World Order, One Global Governance to control humanity. Joe & Hunter Biden, Obama’s, Bush’s, Clinton’s & other American traitors are members of The World Economic Forum.
Kamala Harris was selected to help carry out their mission to Destroy America, Demoralizing our society; pushing Gender Transition into little children (altering the genitalia of little girls and little boys at age 9), Using PsyOp for indoctrination of our youth to push Socialism/Communism/Marxism and Anti-America ideologies, Open Borders to invade our country with gangs, drug cartels, human trafficking, child trafficking and bringing in militias from CCP, Middle East Terrorists Countries, Venezuela, Africa etc.
We are being attacked & make no mistake: Kamala Harris is finishing Obama’s, Biden’s, Clinton’s & Bush’s Destruction of America 🇺🇸
Everything she does is straight out of Saul Alinksy's playbook and connects to the 45 steps to communism, doing as she is told.
You are Spot On! Hmmm 🤔 I seem to remember that Hillary Rodham [Clinton] wrote a 92-page, Pre-Graduate Thesis about Saul Alinsky, author of “Rules For Radicals.” Alinsky dedicated his book “To Lucifer …”
When Bill was campaigning for Presidency the HRC Wellesley’s Thesis was blocked by The Clinton’s from public view. The book gives a clear description about how to destroy a nation.
Shows how deeply embedded the communists are in the USA.
When is Boy George's tune "Karma Chameleon” 1983 going to be spoofed by a talented MAGAmerican?
Drop the ‘a’ off the end of her name and you have kamal (camel) which are notorious for spitting in a person’s face if you stand to close in front of them. Kamal will do more than just spit in our faces if she gets in.
KOMRADE Kamalakhameleon is an older version of EVIL eyes crazy Sandy AOC!
IMO, she will not win, regardless of what the most of the polls say. I'll stick by polling done by Rich Baris, the best pollster out there. The danger is that the "R"'s down ballot do not have the same support that President Trump has, not even close. Unless they wake up and embrace the Trump agenda fully, they will lose, possibly flipping the House to "D" and hamstringing the Trump program.
As far as Harris winning, should she do so I really don't think that she will last long. The CCP will remove her by hook or crook-or Crooks-to place their man Walz on the seat of power. Adam Molon's reporting all but confirms this. That is the main danger of this ticket.
Walz is far more dangerous than Harris. He’s a true Communist and a bully. Perfect for the CCP!
A personally a coward. Which also fits.
Capitol research center com Search Kamala Harris not good
".com"? Can you provide a direct link? I can find nothing using the .com.
K. H. Kackling Ho'
Nope Obama's puppet lovers at one time both males
Two percent actually believe the Kama-chameleon will govern from the middle. That's probably equal to the percentage of actual sociopaths in society.
She sound's like she's trying to be Obama II.
Some food for thought:
See conversation between Chris Williamson of Modern Wisdom And Eric Weinsten where he points out that Harris is not stupid, likely IQ 130 +/- and capable of manipulation and dissimulation (dissembling). Clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vLbo5ZQggIs
1) The entire Harris/Walz relationship is kayfabe. He is her controller. No one becomes the Governor of Minnesota who is really the chuckle head he has played as "sidekick" to Kamala Harris in the campaign so far.
2) Harris' father calling her a travesty is to hide the fact that Harris is spouting classic commie reset rhetoric (Being unburdened by what has been).
3) Walz shook his wife's hand on stage when he was appointed VP candidate (no hug?).
4) Mrs Harris needed artificial sperm insertion (NOT IVF)
5) Our speculation: Walz is the type of gay male who hates women (meaning he could be an actual monster able to do what the left needs done). See his history as Governor.
6) If Biden is Article 25th'd very close to election (or if he dies), then Harris is defacto POTUS and Walz can be inserted as "actual" VP. He is more doctrinaire than she is and can be counted on to control the agenda. He will have no qualms about any drastic action against anyone. The controllers will have their assassin, not only of Harris, but of America. the program will be to the left of Mao.
This is beyond the ordinary. Not sure if average people, especially Americans can conceive of the horrors that can follow. Whatever can go wrong can be actualized.
Having a high IQ doesn't correlate very well with being actually smart (the ability to see cause and effect) or success. In Harris's case she used that IQ only to advance herself (along with being willing to sleep with Willie Brown and others).
True, that. Look at people like Albert Einstein. He had a very high IQ but was absent minded about appointments and socially awkward. (I had a cousin from my older than me family who knew him). Harris has certainly used her self serving cunning to "fail upwards" and look where she is now. She could actually become the next President because she would willingly be a mouth piece for those that really run the show.
[Karma Chameleon] says it ALL (20 MB, Rumble, A/V, 320 kbps AAC audio):
I got a chemical redox reaction to it.
She is cringe worthy with her disingenuous persona. She is incompetent , unlikeable & a ready puppet for her handlers.