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Kamala's "Price Gauging" Big Gaffe Reveal
In this election season, voters can blame either Big Government or Big Corporations for a pernicious inflation now in a dead heat with border chaos as the issue most likely to decide the 2024 presidential election. If you are the second-ranked official in Big Government seeking to ascend to the presidency, you better make damn sure voters blame Big Corporations.
Such is the political dynamic behind the second major strategic mistake of the nascent Kamala Harris for President campaign. The first mistake was Harris choosing a vice-presidential running mate in Tim Walz as Far Left as she is. Now, in Kamala’s second strategic blunder, Harris has led with price controls as the solution to the inflationary inferno Harris herself has had a not so invisible hand in creating.
Economically, price controls don’t work, and voters know it. In Kamala’s supermarket of the future, eggs and meat may well have a posted price well below the market rate. There just won’t be enough eggs and meat to buy at the controlled prices. Instead, consumers will face shortages, queuing, and black marketeering.
Politically, Harris’ price controls proposal is just an incredibly stupid gaffe, one that simultaneously raises the specter of First World Soviet Union communism, Left Coast Californian Liberalism, and Third World Venezuelan socialism. Kamala thus violates the cardinal rule of Nixonian politics.
To wit: instead of running towards the Nixonian center faster than her running mate ran away from Iraq, Komrade Kamala is simply reinforcing a Fidel Castro stereotype Donald Trump is chomping at the bit to tag her with.
Yet it gets worse for Kamala: Both Harris’ dead-on-arrival price controls and her gaffe-laden speech delivery have highlighted one of Harris’ greatest vulnerabilities, her utter lack of any basic understanding of economics.
Memo to James Carville: Kamala Harris is running against an opponent who not only has been the consummate businessman renowned for earning billions while turning entrepreneurship into a fine televised art. As president, Donald Trump also delivered four years of near zero inflation, rising real wages, and stable growth.
BTW, did anybody besides me and Leland Vitters notice that Harris mistakenly confused “price gouging,” a well-known term of economist art, with “price gauging” – whatever that means. With that gaffe, Harris thus made clear she will embarrassingly misread a teleprompter anytime she delivers a speech about a topic she knows nothing about – which is to say every topic voters are most worried about.
And here’s one for the Left-Wing propagandist’s handbook: Both Microsoft’s Bing search engine and Google scrubbed Harris’ price gauging gaffe completely from the internet. Imagine that.
Now imagine this: By leading with her glass economics jaw, Kamala Harris has opened the door to the obvious critique that Kamala herself is MOST to blame for MUCH of the current inflation. Indeed, much of the current inflation is of the “demand pull” type in which too much money is chasing too few goods in the U.S. economy.
As for where this “too much money” has come from, look no further than the two major budget busting and inflation-generating pieces of Bidenomics legislation that Kamala Harris herself as President of the Senate cast the tie-breaking votes for. I’m talking of course about the 2021 $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan Act and the 2022 $740 billion Inflation Reduction Act.
BTW, did you know that Vice President Harris has cast more tie-breaking in the Senate (33) of any Vice President in history. As the sign in the pottery store says, “you break it, you bought it.”
In Kamala’s America, eggs now cost over 50% more than when Trump left office, gas is up 40%, housing is up 30%, rents are up 25% and bread is up because of “let them eat cake Kamala” by 15%. As I noted on the stage of the Republican National Convention, in Trump’s America, you didn’t have to choose between food on the table, medicine in the cabinet, or a roof over your head.
As a final note on Kamala’s economics speech, she made a very big deal of making housing more affordable. Yet here again, Harris illustrates her own total lack of understanding of the inexorable connection between today’s lack of affordable housing and Kamala’s own inflation-inducing actions that have, in turn, spiked mortgage rates.
Do you see now the larger “you broke it, you bought it” problem for Kamala. To win, Harris must promise voters she will fix every problem that she herself has helped create. And it’s not just runaway inflation that Kamala has created.
Kamala owns the border crisis -- she went MIA after Biden designated her border czar and will decriminalize illegal immigration. Kamala likewise owns the energy crisis (she’s the defracking queen of Pennsylvania), the crime crisis (she’s the defunding the police princess of San Francisco), and international crises ranging from Gaza and Ukraine to the Taiwan Strait (Kamala has the least foreign policy experience of any major presidential candidate in modern history.)
Given Kamala Harris’ “you broke it, you bought it problem,” the odds are at least 50-50 that, after kicking Biden to the curb to get the nomination, Kamala will next try to blame Feckless Joe at this week’s Democrat Convention for all of the ills now befalling us. If voters buy Kamala’s flip flops, they will break America.
Peter Navarro served as a senior presidential advisor to Donald Trump and is the author of The New MAGA Deal: The Unofficial Deplorables Guide to the Trump 2024 Platform.
Peter, I tried to write to you twice when you were a political prisoner.
1st time the correspondence was returned because it was a card.
2nd time the letter in the envelope was reason given.
Think about how demoralizing it is for prisoners to not receive their mail and feel a sense of abandonment from their families because the Bureau of Prisons are cruel and heartless.
You have a tremendous opportunity to lead the charge for prison reform in the Trump administration.
Peter, I think it is a given that Trump will win this election, in that he will get more votes from American citizens. Just as he did in 2020. But if the republican activists have not spent the last 4 years plotting how to win the ballots in the few key counties in the 4 or 6 key states, then it will all be for naught. And from the other side of the pond, I have been looking, but have seen little sign of taking the fight to the DNC. I fear for your country, and for mine.