Peter, I tried to write to you twice when you were a political prisoner.

1st time the correspondence was returned because it was a card.

2nd time the letter in the envelope was returned...no reason given.

Think about how demoralizing it is for prisoners to not receive their mail and feel a sense of abandonment from their families because the Bureau of Prisons are cruel and heartless.

You have a tremendous opportunity to lead the charge for prison reform in the Trump administration.

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so sorry about that Kathleen. That's why they call it prison. But thanks so much for your effort!!

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So many of us tried to stay in touch with you to offer you words of encouragement and our prayers.

I admire your courage.

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The woman in charge of the Bureau of Prisons was in front of a congressional committee and lied with subterfuge about everything she was asked. When the time comes she must be held accountable. A hefty lawsuit of a million $$ would be appropriate and a deterrent.

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Same here.

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Bonnie say Hi! You go girl...

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Our family letter was returned as well.

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Everyone who wrote to Peter and had the letter returned needs to post it here so he knows.

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I wrote to Mr. Navarro. Letter was returned and I followed all the rules. I guess it's easier to reject them than it is to send encouragement to political prisoners for which I am truly sorrowful. I wanted President Trump to name Mr. Navarro as VP pick, and I sent that choice to President Trump, too. God bless you, Peter, and your lovely fiancée.

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you are someone I deeply admire Kathleen, your smarts

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Thank you.

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I had meetings with Peter at the White House and each time I went, was shocked at the works he and his team were doing on the symptoms and drugs...hundreds of the best science scattered about him, he knew all the science...I would say things and I was on top of the research yet he would recant what I was saying as if he wrote the science, brilliant mind...beyond most. was an honor he set meetings with me and my bosses...cant name folk here

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Same here, twice.

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Peter, I think it is a given that Trump will win this election, in that he will get more votes from American citizens. Just as he did in 2020. But if the republican activists have not spent the last 4 years plotting how to win the ballots in the few key counties in the 4 or 6 key states, then it will all be for naught. And from the other side of the pond, I have been looking, but have seen little sign of taking the fight to the DNC. I fear for your country, and for mine.

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Of course Kackles the Klown's economic plan will lead to shortages and poor quality. But what do she and her type care? Just like the apparatchiks of the unlamented Evil Empire, she and they will laugh at the prolies standing in food lines as she speeds by in her limo, slurping vodka and caviar; off to their weekend dachas.

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So funny that even the blue-no-matter-who Washington Post (i.e. WaPo) published a piece titled, "When your opponent calls you a 'communist,' maybe don't propose price controls?" Maybe Bezos is getting nervous about Kamala.

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How can we afford to support these millions who have come into the country illegally with no jobs or sustenance of any kind? How can we afford to let in millions whose identities we do not know? So much damage to the country already that I doubt anyone can really fix it.

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I noticed her gaffe. And she didn’t catch her mistake-no reaction at all. So it means she has no idea what price gouging really is. Or she would have corrected herself! 🙄😡

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One bad choice after another. Dems want continual wars the true fascist idea so they can keep elites in power while the middle class is decimated. When she goes after big corporations all she’s going to do is make higher prices for everyday people. She needs to understand that big business employed more people and has money for R and D. She’s only got one idea: Communism for all.

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Great article! Glad you are back!

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Great question Peter. All the issues you mention are critical. I hope Trump will focus on them. It would be good to know for strategy what the answer is for independents - those not into Trump but still open against Harris.

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Kamala choosing Walz was weird, unless she thought Dems might want to replace her at the DNC. How could they replace her with Walz, who more far left than she is?

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I guess the "D" after Kamala Harris' name on the ballot refers to something other than Democrat. It also appears to be the grade she was given in Economics when she took the course in school. You know...the school she rode to in that famous yellow school bus that she talks about so often.

But the only reason she would have been given a "D" in Economics (if she took the course) was that it was Grade Inflation semester at her school.

I think Donald Trump presented a great demonstration of price inflation at his press conference in New Jersey this past week. His message clearly showed how prices have changed under the Biden/Harris regime, as he showed the prices of real products that people actually consume. It worked better than a simple chart, and was more effective.

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Border, crime, Economy & Inflation, and Woke Takeover are all symptoms of the same problem. I believe the democrats wanted to have Roe vs Wade disappear so they could make hay with that issue to capture a lot of Women's votes, who would vote based on that issue ignoring the rest. I clicked on Border mainly because it is such a driver for the other issues and that the amount of solo fighting aged males coming in pose a serious threat.

On a lighter note, on Zeducation's "You laugh you lose" this morning he showed a pensive looking Kamala with a title "When you realize you are second best choice to the guy who can't walk up stairs or speak coherently."

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I also heard her idiotic mention of price GAUGING…!! Unreal..

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"Kamala owns the border crisis -- she went MIA after Biden designated her border czar and will decriminalize illegal immigration."


Kamala was NOT MIA. Her role was let Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, a Cuban born Communist, continue with their Destabilization part of the plan. If she gets in, Crisis will almost certainly follow. This can include up to tanks rolling in the streets like in Czechoslovakia or Hungary. The last part is Normalization as Yuri Bezmenov, an X-KGB defector turned US Patriot will point out (link follows), and Melania Trump knows this all too well! We will have a Marxist-Communist paradise, and almost all (guess 85% ± 5%) will be slaves:




Lastly, we have useful idiots too. They are our Republican Congress who let this happen to US.

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Kamala Harris is an imbecilic sock puppet with the emotional maturity of a freshman sorority girl. She appears to be either drunk or stoned on whatever drugs they give her to quell her public-appearance anxiety. What's frightening is that half the country is going to vote for her: "Kamala HAS A DRINKING PROBLEM Rumors Erupt As DNC Begins": https://www.bitchute.com/video/l-zAZqs14Ks

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