Pete writes "While teaching in China, Walz built a lucrative business that regularly brought American students to the country on the Chinese dime."

How is this laundered payoff any different from an actual payoff or bribe. Tampon Timmy is in the pocket of the Butchers of Beijing. A mafia of communist thugs who still run the world's only open concentration camps. Instead of running for VP, Walz should be languishing in a prison for treason.. Our nation is upside down.

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The pimping of the USA. It's amazing to me how so many national candidates pimp out our country. They absolutely have no respect for themselves or anyone else. Working at a big-box hardware store I see so many goods for sale " Made in China". The stuff is crap and is worth probably 10% of the sticker, of course only cost of goods sold, not actual useful value which is closer to 0.

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The most disgusting disgraceful example of a candidate team, and, with the National Socialist press running interference for them, and Americans too stupid to pay attention, the vermin will probably win. G-d help us!

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No the will not

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Please G-d!!!

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Great piece, we need to dig deeper. Journalists who know Chinese need to search Baidu for references to socialism and good neighborliness. I'm finding lots of hits with these words used together in Chinese propaganda. I'm seeing a lot of writing like this in Chinese translates as "In this socialist friendly neighbor, Xi Jinping stressed that the traditional good-neighborliness and friendship have endured..." . I believe This might be a literal Manchurian code word from Tim to Xi Jinping so he gets the full backing of the CCP in his campaign - can you imagine what that looks like behind the scenes!

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You answered the question of where did Walz get the money to fly the students to China while he only had a teachers salary. He did it on the CCP dime, eh? Well that puts a different light on the subject and supports the meat of your story here. "Tonic" male ( now being discussed on Medium.com), Walz comes across as just a Mr. Milktoast nice guy to those around him, but being a heartbeat away from the Oval Office is scary when you consider his coziness to the CCP and his record on the riots.

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Oh it is worse than this. Watch the independent film about the George Floyd debacle. Mr Walz does not come out looking very good.

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An independent investigation into the events and actions that led to Minneapolis burning and the political leadership abandoning the police and the rest of the residents of the city.

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He reminds me of a serial killer. His wife might be worse.

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