I disagree with your first premise that there was no “red wave”. There most certainly was. Seth Keshel has shown this to be true beyond the shadow of a doubt. So what happened cheating on a monumental scope. The left has refined and enhanced their techniques every two years. Always a step ahead of the lumbering right.
I was a poll watcher in Dallas during the 2022 midterms. Some guy came into our polling area and “worked” on every machine in our location. He was there for 1 1/2-2 hours with no challenges. I reported the activity by phone and filed a report. There was absolutely no reaction. Gee, I’m betting he wiped out the red wave in our location!!
Unless we can put a stop to their cheating, or at least keep to a dull roar, there will again be no red wave, even if there is, in fact, nothing but red. STOP THE CHEATING.
Here in Wisconsin I had to do a lot of traveling. I saw countless signs for Tim Michels for Governor and for Daniel Kelly for WI Supreme Court. I saw very few for either Tony Evers - Gov, of for Janet Protasiewicz for Supreme Court. Both Evers and Protasiewicz Won. Now Michaels was poor campaigner and Kelly wasn't that good at campaigning either, but we knew what we were facing if Evers got a second term and what direction Janet Protasiewicz would lead the Supreme Court to. But, I live in a solid red county with large republican turnout. They did not even carry our county. Election fraud is alive and well in Wisconsin. No reason to expect otherwise in 2024
You suggest getting involved with our local county Rep party. However, in our county it is run by a cliche
that is go along to get along and being a true conservative one gets shot down on ideas. But this is CA and the progressives abound even in the Rep party. That's probably why Rep's keep losing here.
Get rid of em. Get you a clique. Run them out of there. They are doing it in Minnesota as we speak. Look up professor Penn. They started the same way and now they are pushing those people out. Just an idea.
To Heather Kaiser: FIRST, I want to THANK YOU personally, for SERVING our great nation! I come from a military family. My father served in the U.S. Army. My brothers served in the U.S. Air Force. I read your article, it was impactful and to the point! Yes, we MUST organize, as a UNIT, to DEFEAT tyranny! And, make NO MISTAKE! That's what we CURRENTLY have, in Washington, D.C.! I totally understand, where you are coming from! This IMBECILIC IDIOT and his "comrades", care about 3 things and 3 things ONLY! Power, money & votes!! They USURP our Constitution, when it SUITS their party agenda! They preach "democracy", when it's THEY, who are trying to "mould" the laws, in their favor! I don't hate Democrats, I despise their USAGE, of power! I USED to be a Democrat! I SAW the light! I always thought, they were the "party of JFK", the blue collar, working middle class party! Well, I saw the change, when Obama took office! I wanted him to do well, because, like any president in office, if he does well, WE do well! Well, that never happened! What really made my blood boil, was this commie s.o.b., going around the world, "apologizing" for what America did! Well, if it wasn't for the U.S..ARMED FORCES, on D-DAY, his SORRY ASS, wouldn't be in "Martha's Vineyard!" Then, what this corrupt commie, "currently ", in the white house, just did, made my blood boil, AGAIN! He REFUSES to give OUR ARMED FORCES, a pay raise, yet LOVES to give "freebies" to "ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS?" Yes Heather, this "ANTI-American, Marxist-Socialist and his TOTALLY USELESS, sidekick VP, MUST BE DEFEATED, not by a "slim margin", but by a LANDSLIDE VICTORY!! People can say what they want about Trump, but he DEFINITELY has 3, count 'em, 3 things that Biden and ALL his reprobates DON'T HAVE or NEVER WILL HAVE: #1) Patriotism, the love of flag, our military, our country #2) Leadership principles #3) Tremendous business savvy!! Nobody ever said, democracy was perfect, because it's NOT! But, it sure BEATS, whatever system, is in 2nd place!! If WE, as a "Judeo-Christian constitutional republic, are to survive and turn this country around, 180°, then electing Trump, is the O-N-L-Y choice!! For OUR country, MY country!!! Steve B., Ct.
Allowing illegals to vote will destroy our efforts. No one is stopping this illegal voting. Do something.
Garland should be arrested by the Sargent at Arms but Johnson chose the corrupt court system which will not prosecute. GOP better do their jobs or we are finished.
I disagree with your first premise that there was no “red wave”. There most certainly was. Seth Keshel has shown this to be true beyond the shadow of a doubt. So what happened cheating on a monumental scope. The left has refined and enhanced their techniques every two years. Always a step ahead of the lumbering right.
I was a poll watcher in Dallas during the 2022 midterms. Some guy came into our polling area and “worked” on every machine in our location. He was there for 1 1/2-2 hours with no challenges. I reported the activity by phone and filed a report. There was absolutely no reaction. Gee, I’m betting he wiped out the red wave in our location!!
Unless we can put a stop to their cheating, or at least keep to a dull roar, there will again be no red wave, even if there is, in fact, nothing but red. STOP THE CHEATING.
Here in Wisconsin I had to do a lot of traveling. I saw countless signs for Tim Michels for Governor and for Daniel Kelly for WI Supreme Court. I saw very few for either Tony Evers - Gov, of for Janet Protasiewicz for Supreme Court. Both Evers and Protasiewicz Won. Now Michaels was poor campaigner and Kelly wasn't that good at campaigning either, but we knew what we were facing if Evers got a second term and what direction Janet Protasiewicz would lead the Supreme Court to. But, I live in a solid red county with large republican turnout. They did not even carry our county. Election fraud is alive and well in Wisconsin. No reason to expect otherwise in 2024
You suggest getting involved with our local county Rep party. However, in our county it is run by a cliche
that is go along to get along and being a true conservative one gets shot down on ideas. But this is CA and the progressives abound even in the Rep party. That's probably why Rep's keep losing here.
Get rid of em. Get you a clique. Run them out of there. They are doing it in Minnesota as we speak. Look up professor Penn. They started the same way and now they are pushing those people out. Just an idea.
To Heather Kaiser: FIRST, I want to THANK YOU personally, for SERVING our great nation! I come from a military family. My father served in the U.S. Army. My brothers served in the U.S. Air Force. I read your article, it was impactful and to the point! Yes, we MUST organize, as a UNIT, to DEFEAT tyranny! And, make NO MISTAKE! That's what we CURRENTLY have, in Washington, D.C.! I totally understand, where you are coming from! This IMBECILIC IDIOT and his "comrades", care about 3 things and 3 things ONLY! Power, money & votes!! They USURP our Constitution, when it SUITS their party agenda! They preach "democracy", when it's THEY, who are trying to "mould" the laws, in their favor! I don't hate Democrats, I despise their USAGE, of power! I USED to be a Democrat! I SAW the light! I always thought, they were the "party of JFK", the blue collar, working middle class party! Well, I saw the change, when Obama took office! I wanted him to do well, because, like any president in office, if he does well, WE do well! Well, that never happened! What really made my blood boil, was this commie s.o.b., going around the world, "apologizing" for what America did! Well, if it wasn't for the U.S..ARMED FORCES, on D-DAY, his SORRY ASS, wouldn't be in "Martha's Vineyard!" Then, what this corrupt commie, "currently ", in the white house, just did, made my blood boil, AGAIN! He REFUSES to give OUR ARMED FORCES, a pay raise, yet LOVES to give "freebies" to "ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS?" Yes Heather, this "ANTI-American, Marxist-Socialist and his TOTALLY USELESS, sidekick VP, MUST BE DEFEATED, not by a "slim margin", but by a LANDSLIDE VICTORY!! People can say what they want about Trump, but he DEFINITELY has 3, count 'em, 3 things that Biden and ALL his reprobates DON'T HAVE or NEVER WILL HAVE: #1) Patriotism, the love of flag, our military, our country #2) Leadership principles #3) Tremendous business savvy!! Nobody ever said, democracy was perfect, because it's NOT! But, it sure BEATS, whatever system, is in 2nd place!! If WE, as a "Judeo-Christian constitutional republic, are to survive and turn this country around, 180°, then electing Trump, is the O-N-L-Y choice!! For OUR country, MY country!!! Steve B., Ct.
Allowing illegals to vote will destroy our efforts. No one is stopping this illegal voting. Do something.
Garland should be arrested by the Sargent at Arms but Johnson chose the corrupt court system which will not prosecute. GOP better do their jobs or we are finished.
Republicans need to start getting lawyers involved right no to stop Joe Biden allowing Illegals to vote. THats your shadow campaign right there.
Tim Pool also spoke about something to do with voter rolls in this video.