Did a small number of Fifth Column big donors sabotage the now flailing presidential campaign of Ron DeSantis? That’s a possible sub-plot behind the recent clipping of DeSantis’ budding China Hawk wings. The incident more broadly reveals a coterie of US billionaires and American lobbyists aiding and abetting Communist China’s dangerous rise. CHECK IT OUT BELOW!
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Why wasn’t DeScantus smart enough to see through these billionaires? They are the cancer running this country into destruction. They are in cahoots with China & select those that are too stupid to see it or those who agree with this to line their pockets.
Haley was always a never Trump neocon working with China instead of showing loyalty to the US. I have to believe that Trump knows the score & would never select Haley as VP. Besides, why does his choice have to be a woman? He should select the best person for the job not on gender.