I’m not a big podcast fan if Apple or Google are used. I prefer Rumble, which remains much friendlier to us MAGA types! But I’ll listen to Apple if that’s my only option between them, YouTube and Google.

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I get that but if you want to get ranked and build a bigger audience, you have to go with Apple or Google. Plus, Rumble hasn't exactly been helpful when I've used it.

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Understood. Sigh. We’ll just use the communists’ platforms then. 😉

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I get that but Rumble hasn't been very helpful to me in getting things out and if you want to get ranked in the Podcast rankings, you have to do Apple or Google.

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Why wasn’t DeScantus smart enough to see through these billionaires? They are the cancer running this country into destruction. They are in cahoots with China & select those that are too stupid to see it or those who agree with this to line their pockets.

Haley was always a never Trump neocon working with China instead of showing loyalty to the US. I have to believe that Trump knows the score & would never select Haley as VP. Besides, why does his choice have to be a woman? He should select the best person for the job not on gender.

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I avoid Google and YouTube because they are the enemy to Patriots... they bully and censor... Apple too has fallen down with the stupid Tim Cooke wokeness crap, so... I hesitate to click as well. My platform of trust is RUMBLE.

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Pete, great option here. Used Apple. I would usually use Substack version with mechanical voice but always looked forward to your presentations.

The plan with DeSantis was clearly to hook and gut. As you pointed out at the beginning of his run it was the end for DeSantis agreeing to funding by Griffin and gang.

One wonders what the heck he and his team were thinking? With Trump in the game gobbling up much of the MAGA money around I’m sure it’s hard to find sufficient funding but that choice by DeSantis and team were clearly suicide.

I still believe (or at least hope) that Trump and DeSantis are playing the game of misdirect (Art of War style) and keeping every Dem snookered when it comes to their running together in the end.

Trump and DeSantis must know that the two of them on the Republican ticket would be an unstoppable force and likely a stunning, near cataclysmic landslide victory in spite of the Dems best efforts to cheat like hell.

The sheer panic and terror of a Trump/Desantis ticket would be absolutely fun to watch. There would be bodies of Dems lying everywhere with their heads exploded!🤣 But that card has to be played at the right time.

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Rumble is my preferred

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Just out of principal I rarely use google or apple. As long as they do not affect your content, it is fine. For security, I always connect with a VPN.

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I usually speed up podcasts because most talking is a bit too slow and I like to get through them fater as I am busy. I don't see any speed control on Google Podcast. I also do not prefer to use Google or Apple podcasts, but that is not a big issue for me.

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