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Trump Debate Prep 101
Donald Trump’s debate prep for ABC’s September 10 debate need only consist of watching two short videos: Chuck Wepner knocking Muhammed Ali flat on his keister, and Kamala Harris castrating Joe Biden in a June 27, 2019, Democrat primary debate.
The point: No matter how incompetent, anyone can land a devastating blow in a fight. Here’s a few more Trump-friendly pointers.
#1: Stop Calling Her Kamala
Harris isn’t a soccer star like Pele or Messi, and this first name basis crap humanizes what is otherwise a poll-driven word salad. Address her as “my opponent.”
#2: Raise, Don’t Lower Debate Expectations
The lower the expectations, the easier it will be for Harris to declare victory. Raise expectations by reminding viewers Trump is walking into a liberal star chamber -- ABC News is CNN in a tuxedo.
Can you imagine how much the Harris camp would squeal if Trump Bro Sean Hannity were a moderator in the ABC debate? Yet, Trump is supposed to grin and bear it when Hannity’s polar opposite Harris Sister Linsey Davis moderates.
Memo to ABC debate viewers: Linsey Davis is a slick, Harris-style radical steeped in the racism of identity politics and notorious for her DEI proselytizing, including authoring kid’s DEI propaganda. Since Harris can bring Tim Walz along, expect Harris to act as her lifeline.
#3: Don’t Take the KamaBait
Harris desperately wants Trump to bully her. Harris urgently needs to distract Trump from Harris’ inflation and border chaos – the top two swing voter issues where Trump wins in a landslide. KamaMud must, therefore, relentlessly attack Trump’s character, hit him with the F-word (felon), and otherwise try to rattle his cage.
Each time Harris throws such chum in the ABC waters, all Trump need do is pull a Ronald Reagan “there she goes again” or a “only Rosie O’Donald” and then pivot with a smile right back to inflation or the border.
#4: Expect and Ignore the Hollyweird Zingers
Harris has a whole Hollyweird-assisted team of comedy and speech writers, likely including the likes of Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert, to draft clever sound bites and zingers. If she tries a one-liner, Trump need only remind America there is nothing funny about being forced by Kamala Harris to choose between food on the table, medicine in the cabinet, and a roof over your head. And there is nothing funny at all about Iran and its proxies attacking Israel or Ukraine ablaze because the Biden-Harris White House is seen internationally as WEAK.
#5: It’s NOT About Abortion or Race Stupid
Harris’ best chance to win the debate and the election is to make it about “identity politics” – read race – and what she will call “reproductive rights” – read abortion. Harris will thereby try to do what Obama did do to his challenger Mitt Romney in 2012, divert the campaign from the economy and border back to abortion and race.
If Harris plays the race card, Trump can hit her like Tulsi Gabbard for putting young proud black men in prison for dealing nickel bags during the day as a district attorney and then lighting up a joint and laughing about it at night. Or to pivot back to the economy, Trump can remind the audience that Harris’s border crisis is stealing jobs and driving down the wages of black, brown and blue-collar Americans.
On abortion, Trump need only note the Dobbs decision sent it back to the states where the abortion decision more properly belongs constitutionally and politically – mentioning Roe v. Wade has no upside.
More aggressively, Trump can correctly note Harris is the extremist who supports very late term abortion while he is the moderate who supports IVF. Moreover, the vast majority of women today are far more worried about inflation, our border chaos, and getting raped and murdered by illegal aliens than whether they can get an abortion in the ninth month of a pregnancy.
And by the way, your running mate Tim Walz lied to the American people about IVF, which I strongly support. That’s what you radical Democrats do. You’ll do and say anything to win. Flip flop on any issue to fool swing voters so you can keep doing what you’ve been doing. Destroying our economy, border, and country.
If Trump wants to try even more edge, there’s this: “Vice President Harris, the issue is abortion, not choice. If you believed in the slogan ‘my body, my choice,’ you wouldn’t have forced everyone from soldiers and children to government bureaucrats to take a vaccination that should only have been administered voluntarily to seniors and people with co-morbidities.
#6: KamaLiar’s Big Border Fib
Harris (or ABC moderator Linsey Davis) will falsely claim Trump killed a bill that would have secured the border. Trump can truthfully note that phony bill would have institutionalized catch and release, allowed millions more illegal immigrants to cross the border, forced taxpayers to pay for the legal bills of these illegals, and shipped billions more tax dollars to sanctuary cities and states like Minnesota where your socialist running mate Tim Walz comes from.
#7: Tulsi’s Coup De grâce
If my old boss wants a good laugh and final confidence boost, he can watch Tulsi Gabbard’s vivisection of Harris in a July, 31, Democrat primary debate which effectively knocked Harris out of the race. Yes, it’s good to have both Tulsi and RFK, Jr. on board.
Peter Navarro directed the Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy in the Trump Administration and is the author of The New MAGA Deal: The Unofficial Deplorables Guide to Donald Trump’s 2024 Policy Platform.
My advice to President Trump is to listen to Peter Navarro. Kamala Harris is a liar but not stupid. Address her with amiable respect, then cut her to shreds with the truth. She and Walz are a real threat to democracy. One of the first acts of the Biden/Harris administration was to suppress free speech. One of their latest was to threaten Tulsi Gabbard. That's is right out of the playbooks of the Soviets and Nazis. These people are leftist ghouls. Expose them for that. And for subverting our laws and our Constitution. They scream that Trump is a threat to democracy but prove every day that they are.
I can not even speculate how the debate will go. The 1st debate I ever watched was the Kennedy / Nixon debate. As I recall, those that saw it on TV thought Kennedy won. Those that listened on radio thought Nixon won. I watched Harris debate Biden and she landed some pretty good punches on Biden. Trump did well with Biden, but Biden was too far gone. Trump remained reserved and colored within the lines. He did well by doing that and Biden was ultimately removed from running. Harris can't walk away from the Biden legacy, whereas Trump did well in his presidency against all the blob's efforts to destroy him. In 2020 when the Plandemic tossed the world upside down he, was played and betrayed and there was not much he could do against that. But those same players and betrayers have run the entire Biden regime.