My advice to President Trump is to listen to Peter Navarro. Kamala Harris is a liar but not stupid. Address her with amiable respect, then cut her to shreds with the truth. She and Walz are a real threat to democracy. One of the first acts of the Biden/Harris administration was to suppress free speech. One of their latest was to threaten Tulsi Gabbard. That's is right out of the playbooks of the Soviets and Nazis. These people are leftist ghouls. Expose them for that. And for subverting our laws and our Constitution. They scream that Trump is a threat to democracy but prove every day that they are.

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I can not even speculate how the debate will go. The 1st debate I ever watched was the Kennedy / Nixon debate. As I recall, those that saw it on TV thought Kennedy won. Those that listened on radio thought Nixon won. I watched Harris debate Biden and she landed some pretty good punches on Biden. Trump did well with Biden, but Biden was too far gone. Trump remained reserved and colored within the lines. He did well by doing that and Biden was ultimately removed from running. Harris can't walk away from the Biden legacy, whereas Trump did well in his presidency against all the blob's efforts to destroy him. In 2020 when the Plandemic tossed the world upside down he, was played and betrayed and there was not much he could do against that. But those same players and betrayers have run the entire Biden regime.

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How many minutes into the debate before she wags her finger and says Excuse me, I'm speaking 🤪

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Dr Navarro, so glad to have you out of jail. We were praying for you, and continue to pray for Bannon. Trump has been debating for eight years now. I have no doubt he was rise to the occasion. He TKO’ed Biden with one debate. Harris is toast.

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Keep whispering in Trump’s ear. It’s his to lose.

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Very good preparation material, and it avoids stepping into progressive propaganda traps.

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Say it, she wants to be "crazy black woman" on President Trump.

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I voted for her to be ‘not good’ instead of bad, my guess is she might be better than Joe who set the standard as bad. Hopefully Donald will let her talk and that might almost be enough. But he is so good at stating someone’s failures juxtaposing them with his policies, especially since she hasn’t even broadcast her policies. He’ll have to say something because there are so many voters, especially new ones who have never heard him talk and have no idea that he has ideas and since she hasn’t publicized any of hers yet.

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She said, "My values have NOT changed." Believe her. Expose her record.

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All good advice Dr Navarro. I would add one more....answer the question.

In the debate with Biden, President Trump was asked what he would do about the problem of illegal drugs, including Fentanyl coming into our country. He never answered the question, instead going back to a rebuttal of a previous question. Was a huge missed opportunity to lay out the death and devastation to families that Fentanyl has brought...all brought on by the intentional policies of the Biden/Harris administration.

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Must have fair and honest elections to win Dems superb in the art of cheating we must stop them or country is dead

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UNHRC agreement under Constitutional crisis since 2016 APPOINTS HRC MADAME PRESIDENT BrassBalls.blog

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Stop referring to "black, brown & blue collar jobs".

"Blue collar jobs, of which many are held by Black & Brown workers..." sounds less racist.

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