Ridiculous you’re going through this. but II have confidence your team will prevail at the Supreme Court ($1 million later!). We’ll keep you and your family in our prayers! You’re fighting the good fight!
Jan 6 th committee should be held to account. Enough of this lawlessness. Subpoena these criminals,GOP ,or lose your seats. We have no rule of law. Do something.
Peter, You are brave and courageous and are doing the right thing. It is an injustice that defending yourself is so costly that most people cannot afford to do so and enter a guilty plea or are driven into bankruptcy if they do. Getting to the Supremes is a good strategy. Truth will prevail.
Praying for you to persevere against the kangaroo courts.
Prayers, Dear Peter, for you and your Family...
May Our Almighty Lord give you the wisdom and words just when you need them.
May America return to our Founding Principles🙏🇺🇸
Ridiculous you’re going through this. but II have confidence your team will prevail at the Supreme Court ($1 million later!). We’ll keep you and your family in our prayers! You’re fighting the good fight!
Jan 6 th committee should be held to account. Enough of this lawlessness. Subpoena these criminals,GOP ,or lose your seats. We have no rule of law. Do something.
Fight on! How about the National Archives denying current congress access to VP Bidens communications because of privilege which was denied to you…
Peter, You are brave and courageous and are doing the right thing. It is an injustice that defending yourself is so costly that most people cannot afford to do so and enter a guilty plea or are driven into bankruptcy if they do. Getting to the Supremes is a good strategy. Truth will prevail.
Praying for true justice being the final outcome.
So no court other than The Supreme Court is respected or viable enough to discern false allegations and flimsy charges?
Hang tough 'ol man.
The useful idiots celebrating this use of lawfare don't understand how fast the useful idiots become un useful.
Give em hell.
Let me know once you're issued a prisoner number and i'll send you a dollar for your commissary account.